Chile: a great campaign for independent candidacies and the strengthening of a revolutionary alternative

From the Anti-capitalist Movement, the Chilean section of the ISL, we have launched a campaign for independent, anti-capitalist, feminist and eco-socialist candidacies for the constituent convention. Its purpose is to face the parties of the pact and tone up a voice that gathers the demands of the streets and develops the needed revolutionary alternative.

The dissident voices of the regime and the pulse of the streets

The process of rebellion in Chile does not stop and imposes a very dynamic agenda of debates and transformations. The mobilizations have once again taken the streets while in a parallel lane, which is deeply influenced by this reality, we are seeing the development of the chronogram of the constituent process that intends to be hegemonized by the parties of the regime. We must be clear with this. The parties that intended to close the revolution of October with the pact for peace are juggling to avoid breaking apart due to the huge pressure of their bet, while they try to control and channel the great flow of the streets to the narrow road of voting and nothing more. However, on the streets and with the votes (or denying them), the youth, the workers and the popular majorities continue to express turn everything around. They do it so every Friday at the Plaza de la Dignidad, they did it so by voting for the approval and also by missing the empty primary elections of last week, which proved that the parties of the regime, from left to right, do not cause any enthusiasm. It is because of this that from the Anti-capitalist Movement we decide to fight for the independent candidacies that from the center of the process of mobilization can burst into the dispute for truly bringing an end to the Constitution of Pinochet and that really propose in-depth changes that lay the ground for a new Chile, a Chile of the majorities. For this we have the internationalist support of the ISL. It is obvious that the regime works full time to restrain the participation and prevent the options outside the system express themselves, but on the first day of the announcement of our candidacies in the districts 12 and 10 of Santiago, we could see that there is a great space for an alternative proposal.

Maura and Camilo, anti-capitalists, internationalists, feminists, eco-socialists and fighters for human rights

Our comrade Maura Fajardo Gálvez in district 12 and our comrade Camilo Parada Ortiz in district 10 are the ones leading our efforts to spread a radical program of in-depth transformations to use the open debate in the country and build a solid alternative for the majorities.

In our first activities, we got dozens of signatures for each one of them, which pushes us to double the efforts to achieve the goal that they can be present in the dispute. Without going any further, in district 12, in just two activities we achieved a 30% of the necessary signatures and in district 10 a great number of comrades have communicated to sign and offer their help to the campaign, so next Saturday 12/12 we will hold an open meeting with the goal of setting up a Command for the independent and anti-capitalist candidacies, not only in these districts but also to meet comrades that agree with the need to organize and participate of the open process.  Neither the rotten right nor the parliamentary left that makes pacts to save it. Away from the real process on the streets and close to the kitchen, the parties of the regime are more worried about sustaining the current system, which is restrained and benefits the minorities, the rich and powerful, the violators of human rights. The rupture of the mass sectors with the Frente Amplio and other sectors push them from crisis to crisis. Sectors leave the conglomerate. The last primary elections severely punished their parliamentary orientation of adaptation to the regime. Their “militancy” made up essentially of electoral supporters or voters did not take part in this instance showing their disgust with the drift of the formation, a clear message that punishes them for their role in the face of the revolutionary process in the country. We are not going to lose time in the right and the traditional formations of the center left that have already been in power and who are responsible for the last 30 years that were condemned on October 18, 2019. If we want to call on everyone who by participating on the streets truly wants to change Chile, join us to build a new alternative for the majorities that does not worry about being assimilated into the regime but instead fights to change everything. Join us and push this program together.

1. #FueraPiñera. A sovereign constituent assembly where everything is debated. No more pacts and no more taking care of the interests of the right, businessmen and multinationals. No more vetoes and bans. A free, sovereign, democratic and plurinational Constituent Assembly.  

2. No more AFP. A single and solidary pension system that takes into account housework and caregiving. It must be state-owned and controlled by pensioners. No more business with our pensions.

3. Nationalization of our common goods. Water and natural resources cannot be a business. Building of new energy and production matrix that is not based on plundering and pillage and that is made with social control over the territories. Polluting multinationals get out!

4. For a feminist Chile. End the male chauvinist violence. A real State budget to prevent and attack violence that is controlled by women’s and feminist organizations. All the rights for women and LGBT+ people, for full equality in all fields. Right to free, legal and safe abortion in the healthcare system. A single and plurinational system of caregiving that socializes the reproductive work and caregiving that women carry out as a social mandate.

5. For a public, free and non-sexist system of health and education. Enough with private profit and sexist education!

6. For the right to housing, plans guaranteed by the State that allow access for everyone to live in a decent house and for the end of real estate speculation.

7. The relief of the debts and the distribution of all the working hours to fight against severance. For the development of public infrastructure and plans of inclusion and employment for the youth. Enough with job precariousness and sate violence.

8. Against any privilege of the political caste: that every official earns the same as a qualified worker and has to use the public system. Removal if they do not fulfill their promises. For a unicameral system.

9. Against impunity yesterday and today. The dissolution of carabineros and trial for all of those responsible for cases of violations of human rights. Freedom for all the prisoners of the revolt. Freedom and self-determination for the Mapuche people, enough with the persecution and racism. The dissolution of the SENAME and all the rights for girls, boys and teenagers.

10. The annulment of the TLC and other pacts of submission to imperialism. For an internationalist policy of solidary cooperation with the peoples of the region and the world.