Comrade Alper has visited Barcelona and Paris, strengthening the bonds with Anticapitalist Network there.
Alper is 21 years old, he lives and studies in Ankara and is a militant of the SEP in Turkey, an organization that is in the process of fusing with the Anticapitalist Network. From SOL and La Commune we are happy to have shared actions of struggle, a shared vision of the main world events and the perspective of a common international organization with Alper. We spoke with him before he traveled to Portugal.
What do you think of the situation in Catalonia?
I had a limited knowledge of the Catalan struggle when I came here. I was curious about what I would see after the referendum for the Republic in 2017 and the activities of SOL. I haven´t arrived in a moment of massive mobilizations nor did I see the daily intervention of the youth. Nonetheless, there is a big sector that still defends the independence and actions continue. Barcelona and other cities are industrial, with lots of immigrants from different regions of Spain, some of which do not support the independence. Many leaders of civil society and activists are incarcerated, there are political prisoners. Against these unfair trials, there are actions in every city every Monday. Unfortunately, these actions are disperse. The leaders organize them separately, so it doesn’t attract the youth or those that support unity.
SOL is advancing, it’s a new party. It’s very important that we have a dynamic and revolutionary structure here that attracts the youth, the working class and women; that can grow far from opportunism and sectarianism.
In Barcelona you’ve bee in touch with part of the feminist movement, what do you think about it?
The women’s movement is growing stronger. On March 8 last year, five million women went on strike and took over the streets. Our female comrades are getting ready to take an important step next International Women Workers Day. Our comrades of Juntas y a la Izquierda have an anticapitalist and democratic formation, working in dynamic and democratic ways with other women of the feminist movement, united against patriarchal machismo. The perspective is exciting.
And what can you say about France?
In this moment, the yellow vests movement inspires the entire world. I traveled to Paris being really curious about them and to meet the comrades of La Commune. Sadly, I was only there for two days and couldn’t witness their protests, that take place on Saturdays.
But I had the opportunity of talking to a lot of people and visiting the places where there were protests the previous days. The reaction of the old organizations to the yellow vests is sad. The Stalinist French Communist Party initially defined them as a neo-Nazi movement and acted against the mobilizations. They took the side of the French bourgeoisie and Macron, that has lost a great part of his social legitimacy. Meanwhile, the actions to confront the empty promises of the government are still strong on Saturdays.
France has experimented a massive movement on the streets for the first time since May of ‘68. The Marxist revolutionary party La Commune was on the front lines from day one, having a correct political lecture of the movement´s actions. Currently, it continues calling the masses to join the organized struggle, to strike and to build an organization inside revolutionary Marxism.
How have your relations with the comrades of the SOL and La Commune been?
Just perfect. The comrades received me very warmly. They gave detailed information of the political juncture in Barcelona and Paris, the situation of the people and the activities of the party. I’m very thankful for the revolutionary hospitality and solidarity. It was a very helpful trip for me. The bonds between the parties and the new revolutionary International have been strengthened. I return more prepared and with a better perspective
What do you think about the unification that’s in process?
Currently, capitalist imperialism is lighting the fire of revolutionary internationalism when it generates new crisis, wars and pressures on the people. We must work together for the international socialist revolution and for the strengthening and deepening of the revolutionary solidarity of the SEP and Anticapitalist Network.
Do you ave something more to say?
My trip was very nice and helpful, thanks to our comrades here. Revolutionary solidarity is real! Cheers comrades!