- That the dynamic of capitalism in its epoch of irreversible decadence is the cause of a general civilization crisis, and with it, impacts the socio-ecological conditions of life on the planet, especially for the working class and the poor;
- That, in particular, dependence on fossil fuels as energy matrix and irrational overproduction / over-consumption, generates an uncontrolled emission of greenhouse gases, particularly in the advanced capitalist countries, that causes the so-called phenomenon of climate change.
- That, in addition to this, in Latin America and other continents, the pattern of capitalist accumulation / production is known as “extractivism” and consists of a general mercantilization of nature, with the use of highly predatory and polluting modes of appropriation of common goods as valuable raw materials, such as agribusiness, fracking, open air mining and urban cementing for real estate speculation;
- That both the use of fossil fuels and extractivism have, as their basic cause, the need for capitalist profit exclusively;
- That there are higher forms of production in efficiency and performance, non-polluting (or of socially controllable effects), and that, therefore, there are no technological obstacles to modify the economic model, but the private interest of capital;
- That throughout the world, in the face of the socio-ecological consequences of the capitalist system, resistance movements are taking place;
- That, in particular, the movement led by young students known as “Friday for the future” and recently in England, the movement “Rebellion against extinction”, in addition to the struggles in all the rest of the continents against the different forms of extractivism, grow and place these problems on a growing mass scale (though still unequal in their development);
- That revolutionary socialists, on the basis of the Marxist method and the Transition Program, have to intervene and offer a positive anti-systemic response, in action, politics and program;
- That, beyond the limits of the leaderships that lead these processes, whose program is confusing, ambiguous and mostly reformist, they have not yet been co-opted by the political forces of capital and, therefore, the just causes that they raise, mobilizes a widespread vanguard with anti-systemic predisposition;
We resolve:
- To intervene, to the extent of our possibilities, in all the processes of struggle and socio-ecological mobilization that occur in the different countries where we operate, especially focusing on those who mobilize youth vanguard.
- To organize talks, forums, conferences and activities of agitation and propaganda to publicize our positions in relation to this process.
- To continue arguing, in permanent articles, against the positions of “green capitalism”, reformism in all its variants (autonomist, “ecosocialist” in the Melenchon version, or others), as well as against left currents that deny ecological problems, and sectarian currents that minimize this planetary phenomenon and its consequences.
- To raise a revolutionary and socialist policy on the subject that poses a transition centered on a total restructuring of the economy, assuring labor and professional reconvertion of workers of affected industries, including the democratic planning of all production and consumption, with the working class as key social subject.
- To bring to these movements our strategic approach on the need to elevate the social movement to the political terrain, building revolutionary parties and an international of the working class.