We are on campaign for the general elections in the middle of a deep crisis and the disaster of the national government. The candidate Fernandez and the PJ are getting ready to govern and have already said that they will continue with the IMF, with new negotiations. Only the FIT-Unidad proposes a different course. The importance of strengthening the great unity of the left in the country and the conquest of new seats. Let’s go to the great act of the FIT-Unidad on October 5.
It is no secret that Macri was damaged after the primaries and that no matter what he does, it is almost impossible for him to recover from last month´s massive rejection in the primary elections. That is why the IMF already wants to negotiate with the new government, while Fernandez himself travelled across Europe almost like a president elect.
It is clear that Macrism bears the greatest responsibility for bringing the IMF and following its orders, socially and economically drowning our country. It is also clear that its accomplices were the governors of the PJ, the legislators that voted for its laws and the union bureaucracy that allowed the application of the austerity plan, while the left confronted it on the streets.
It is clear that, against the disaster of Cambiemos and the IMF, millions voted for Fernández and the Frente de Todos to get rid of Macri, with the hope of a better country after the elections. However, we must analyse reality to see if Fernandez´s measures and plans can truly improve the situation.
Then we must warn that he proposes to continue with the IMF, they will “renegotiate” payments but completely pay for the fraudulent debt, which will impede the use of those million-dollar resources to solve the serious social problems. The current financial model will also be maintained, without making significant changes to this system, designed to allow capital flight and the economic looting of the country.
In a country with great natural and strategic resources, Fernández meets with the governors of mining provinces, supporting their model of agreements with the destructive corporations. And in the presentation of her book in Misiones, CFK insisted that «after recovering YPF, we made the deal with Chevron. They want to make people overseas believe that we are against it, but it was I who made the contract with Chevron», highlighting her willingness to associate with these corporations. While the Frente de Todos presidential candidate fully guarantees the Liaison Committee that they will be able to continue with their juicy business and harmful soy model, among other evils.
During the history of our country, we have already seen candidates who promise things that they do not fulfil, and those who, as they are closer to taking power, play it nice and focus on agreeing with economic corporate powers. It is the norm of the political castes of the traditional parties. Nothing suggests that this time will not end up similarly.
The left is always in the same side
Unlike those who change their proposals according to the occasion, the FIT-Unidad, as the only expression of the unity of the left in our country, has clear proposals to confront the crisis. We do not act according to opportunistic calculations, we have ideas and we defend them. We want to end the flight of millions of dollars with two clear measures: the nationalization of the banking system and the non-payment of the illegitimate external debt.
We propose to break with the IMF and advance to an economic and social model where the crisis is paid by the capitalists and resources are used to solve the needs of the working majorities and the youth. And before, during and after the elections, we promote and support the social struggles. You will see us there, always where we have to be.
For new seats of the left
For the country that is coming, we must strengthen the united left. In the October elections it must be seen that hundreds of thousands support and vote for our presidential formula of Nicolás del Caño and Romina Del Plá, as an expression of an important group of workers and youth that support our proposals.
The vote for the left is also very important to conquer new national deputies and in the city of Buenos Aires. Against the austerity plan and the attempt to attack social conquests, it will be very important, with the struggle on the streets, to gain a greater presence in Congress and the legislature. So that there are voices that present alternative proposals and contribute to every struggle. That is why we vote for Myriam Bregman, Cele Fierro, Alejandro Bodart and other referents in CABA, for Néstor Pitrola, Guillermo Pacagnini, Vilma Ripoll and our other referents in Buenos Aires. And for all our referents and candidates in every province. For the present and for what is coming, we will strengthen the left that unites. As part of this, we are already preparing for our great political event on October 5th, when the FIT-Unidad will hold its central act on 9 de Julio, and simultaneously in other cities across the country. We will be thousands in the streets supporting this unity of the left.
Sergio Garcia