Argentina: The 12th Congress of the MST Took Place

On April 1, 2 and 3, during the Easter holiday, we held a new national congress of the MST. With a strict sanitary protocol that included previous tests, permanent distancing, use of alcohol and no food handling, delegates from all over the country discussed the reports on the international and national political situation, the construction of the MST and other documents submitted for debate throughout the pre-congress period. This involved several months of democratic and collective debate by the entire militancy, while intervening at the same time and with great force in the political events and the class struggle that crossed the workers and popular movement. After a complex year, crossed by the crisis and the pandemic, the delegates of the MST, elected in the different regions of the country by the rank-and-file, debated with great enthusiasm and commitment.

As honorary presidency of this congress, 45 years after the genocidal coup, the murdered and disappeared comrades of the PST at the hands of the Triple A and the military dictatorship and the 30,000, all of them present, now and always, were proclaimed by acclamation. Throughout three intense days, comrades contributed their opinions and their experiences of participation in the important political and struggle processes of union, neighborhood, gender, environmental and youth sectors. With unevenness by region, we note a general strengthening of the party and the great challenges that are opening. For many delegates it was the first time that they participated in a party congress, which together with the high proportion of young people and women, reflected an advance in quality in the growth of the MST.

Likewise, a significant number of delegates belonging to the health sector confirmed the insertion of our party in the struggles and in the new process of democratic organization in that sector of the working class. In the debates that took place in the congress, we addressed the political responses that we gave to the capitalist crisis and also how we developed our construction and what aspects we must strengthen and what others to correct to take better advantage of what is to come, both in the political-electoral field and in the direct class struggle.

Here we share the main international and development debates of the International Socialist League, of the national situation and resolved campaigns, and of the party’s tasks for the next period. Various internationalist, political and party development resolutions and campaigns were passed that we also reflect. And finally the leadership team was voted to lead those tasks in the upcoming period, with some changes and the incorporation of women and youth leaders. The Morals Commission was also elected, with a female majority. Without a doubt, after closing with the Internationale with fists raised singing, we all left with renewed energy to carry out what was resolved by this successful 12th party congress.

Here are the main interventions, international greetings and resolutions:

International: we move towards a world with more rebellions, opportunities and challenges

International greetings

The national situation and our construction
