April 19: A Day of Struggle

By Anticapitalist Alternative

April has arrived and, in the midst of the deep political and social crisis in Nicaragua, our proposal is to strengthen the efforts of unity in action with working class and popular sectors, and independent political groups in exile or underground and organize for the overthrow of the dictatorship. Four years on, impunity persists for crimes against humanity and more than 180 political prisoners remain in conditions of torture. Faced with this reality, we do not lower our arms; from Anticapitalist Alternative in the International Socialist League, we tell you more about our proposal and about the activities that we have been carrying out for the 4th anniversary of the April rebellion.

The world must know what is happening in Nicaragua: #LIBERTADYA (FREEDOM NOW) for political prisoners

Throughout the month of March we participated, in Argentina, in the assemblies of the Memory, Truth and Justice Committee, to call for a massive mobilization in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of the military coup that established the last genocidal dictatorship in that country. Consequently, on March 24 we marched with our flags together with thousands of people and groups that joined this call, with demands for justice for the detained and disappeared and for NEVER AGAIN.

We went to the front of the march, accompanying human rights organizations and took to the stage with Norita Cortiñas, Elia Espen and Mirta Baravalle (Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Founding Line), to demand the freedom of political prisoners in Nicaragua. In the central rally, the document collectively constructed by more than 200 organizations was read included the denunciation of what is happening in Nicaragua and the call for international solidarity.

In April we are developing a plan of joint actions with other organizations, which include a unitary mobilization to the Foreign Ministry of the Argentine Republic and the Nicaraguan Embassy in Buenos Aires this Tuesday, April 19. On that date, it will have been 4 years since the first comrades in struggle in Managua were assassinated, after the occupation of the UPOLI (Polytechnic University of Nicaragua) and the UNI (National University of Engineering). In addition, together with the International Socialist League, we are calling for an extensive day of mobilizations in Nicaraguan embassies and consulates around the world during the week of April 19 to 24.

Our Proposal grows and strengthens

Our April agenda is marked with activities to be carried out throughout the week of 18 to 23, in Nicaragua and in exile, mainly in Costa Rica and Argentina, but also in all the countries where the ISL has a presence. We invite you to join this date, when the struggle for freedom and human rights will be raised. Something important to mention is the fraternity that we are developing with the PRT in Costa Rica, who have been contributing active efforts to, together with Anticapitalist Alternative, the International Socialist League, promote the creation of an International Commission for the Liberation of Political Prisoners, which will be made up of parliamentarians from the left, leaders of human rights, culture, intellectuals, and others, who will travel to the Peñas Blancas border, between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, to demand oversight of both the physical and mental health situation, as well as the prison conditions. of all political prisoners in Nicaragua.

These activities are also part of the joint agenda of the Congress of Free Nicaraguans, an organization active in exile and underground in Nicaragua, with whom we have been drawing up, in unity in action, a plan of permanent struggle for ORTEGA-MURILLO OUT. On this side we do not agree or dialogue with accomplices of the dictatorship.

Four years after April, we see that the fundamental task is to build a militant organization to fight for the release of all political prisoners and to bring about real change by prosecuting the dictatorship and its national and foreign business accomplices. We need to promote a free, sovereign, democratic and multinational constituent process to broadly discuss the future we want: without exploitation or oppression; and lay the foundations for a socialist Nicaragua and the broadest Central American integration.