Facing brutal repression, mobilizations continue in Peru

Two days of National Strike have passed in Peru and they were days with savage repressions throughout the country, the mobilization shook the Cercado de Lima.

The murderous and repressive government tried to disperse the pickets that were forming around the Civic Center of Lima with a strategy of isolating the mobilizations and employing tear gas and bullets. The pickets moved constantly to avoid the repression and the government responded with police assaults, that is, directly seeking confrontations with the peaceful demonstrations.

Since they failed to disperse the mobilization, they employed more brutal actions, such as the assault on the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos this morning where the police evicted students and communities that were on university premises with excessive violence, made arbitrary arrests without respect to human rights. They even advanced on the student dorms, arresting dozens of people. At the moment, various activist and human rights organizations are calling for the DIRINCRI (National Directorate of Criminalistics) to halt the repression, stop criminalizing protest and immediately release the detainees. The Dialogue Table was not respected and now Rector Jerí has declared to the press that “she didn’t know anything,” the university’s Legal Defense will sue the National Police for usurpation of the campus.

A rise that has just begun

We identify a central problem for the people that can exacerbate the situation, in the face of a government that seeks to sustain itself with “dialogue with bullets.” This people, who do not resign, have drawn the conclusion that it is “us or them,” but they have not found a mode of organization that can allow them to strike at the dictatorship like a single fist.

From the ISL and in the streets, we continue to promote the coordination of the sectors in struggle. We demand that the labor, political and student organizations not only reject the repression, but also put themselves at the service of organizing the movement’s coordination in Lima.

The regions stage roadblocks, encircle the oil pipelines in the Jungle and occupy the mines in Cusco. With the progress of the strike in Lima and the coordination of those struggles, we can not only achieve the fall of the Fujimori regime, but also advance toward a constituent assembly and a government of the workers and the people.