Spanish State: Film projection and debate about Nicaragua in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

By Itzel Fajardo, Alternativa Anticapitalista member

Considering the anniversary of the 5 years of the social rebellion in Nicaragua and the resolutions approved at the recent II World Congress of the International Socialist League, in order to continue strengthening an internationalist movement in solidarity with the Nicaraguan people who resist against the Ortega dictatorship, on the night of May 3, a film projection and debate was held in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. The chosen documentary was Les Minuscules by the Belgian director, Khristine Gillard.

There was a crowded and avid participation of attendees, including Latin American migrants, two Nicaraguans who were also able to share their testimony, students, transfeminists and social activists from the Galician community. The activity took place at the self-managed Cultural Center Casa do Peixe, and began after a contextualization of the political situation in Nicaragua and the framework in which the documentary takes place.

The later debate elaborated on various aspects, among them, the environmental problems which the Galician population also faces; the organizational and combative capacity of the Nicaraguan people during the rebellion and what is its current state; as well as possibilities for joint actions to continue denouncing the crimes against humanity committed by the regime and boycott its oxygenation from the Spanish State.

At the end we had the online participation of comrade Khristine Gillard who answered questions related to her experience in Nicaragua and the making of the documentary. We thank her for trusting the ISL and Alternativa Anticapitalista, for sharing this powerful testimonial resource of the pre and post rebellion 2018 struggle with us. In addition, we offered the new edition of  the magazine of the ISL  “Permanent Revolution” with all the conclusions of the II World Congress of our international organization.

Our commitment is to continue strengthening this international movement from all parts of the world until we reach the liberation of all the people of Nicaragua, turned by the Ortega-Murillo into an imprisoned people.