Argentina: Bodart v. DAIA, Day 2 of the trial

Yesterday began the trial initiated by the DAIA against our comrade Alejandro Bodart, former Buenos Aires legislator, leader of the MST in the Left Front Unity and coordinator of the International Socialist League, for defending the Palestinian cause and denouncing the genocide the Palestinian poopulation suffers.

In yesterday’s session, the witnesses provided by the DAIA spoke to try to support their false arguments, Today the second day of the trial took place in Buenos Aires Criminal Court No. 8, on Suipacha 150, in charge of Judge Natalia Molina.

You may be interested in: Argentina: Bodart v. DAIA. Day 1 of the trial

Today, witnesses testified on behalf of the defense, led by María del Carmen Verdú of CORREPI and Ismael Jalil. Among them, Nobel Peace Prize laurate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel; actor and cultural figure Norman Briski; labor attorney Juan Carlos Capurro; Lita Alberstein, leader of the MST in the FIT Unidad of Tucumán; Jorge Altamira; María Rachid; Romina del Plá and Guillermo Pacagnini. Tomorrow, the trial continues, with another group of witnesses provided by Bodart’s defense speaking.


The contribution made by witnesses from different perspectives, experiences and arguments was very important to make it clear that there is an obvious attempt by the DAIA to persecute and curtail freedom of expression. Below, we reproduce the words that each of the witnesses shared with PDI, after they testified in court: