Argentina: Bodart v. DAIA, Day 3 of the trial

The third day of hearings took place today in the trial that began last Monday the 12th, unjustly promoted by the DAIA against our comrade Alejandro Bodart, former Buenos Aires legisltor, leader of the MST in the Left Front Unity and coordinator of the International Socialist League, for defending the Palestinian cause and denouncing the genocide perpetrated against the Palestinian people.

After yesterday’s second session, where the witnesses provided by Bodart’s defense spoke in Buenos Aires Criminal Court No. 8 on Suipacha 150, in charge of Judge Natalia Molina, this third and last day of the trial took place today.

A new group of witnesses testified for the defense in charge of María del Carmen Verdú of CORREPI and Ismael Jalil. Among them, Myriam Bregman; Luis Zamora; Tamara Migelson, MST militant of Jewish origin; Claudio Katz, left-wing economist; Hernán Camarero, historian; Laura Alche Vda de Ginsberg, member of Apemia (Group for the Clarification of the Unpunished Massacre of AMIA) and sociologist Gabriel Sivinian. Together they collaborated to expose the falsehoods of the DAIA’s accusation, each doing so from their experiences and perspectives, in response to the questions they were asked.

Also on this day Alejandro Bodart himself spoke at the hearing, to express his opinion regarding the trial that is being unfairly carried out against him.

We would also like to give special thanks to another group of leaders and representatives who were part of the list of defense witnesses and who ultimately did not testify, but meded themselves available to do so: comrades Carlos “Sueco” Lordkipanidse, Juan Carlos Giordano, Gabriel Solano, Julio Gambina, Carlos Aznares, Eduardo Soares, Gabriel Mohsen Alí and our comrades Cele Fierro and Vilma Ripoll.

The trial will continue this Friday, when the statements of the defense and prosecution will be made.

Below we reproduce the words that the witnesses shared with PDI, after they testified in court: