Pakistani students in solidarity with Lebanon

Revolutionary Students Front and Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation joint statement to extend solidarity and support in response to the call of action by General Union of Students of Lebanon!

We, the Revolutionary Students Front (RSF) and Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation (JKNSF), extend our unwavering solidarity to the General Union of Students of Lebanon in their struggle against the brutal aggression of the Zionist colonial regime. The genocide unleashed against Gaza, now spreading to Lebanon, is a direct continuation of the imperialist designs of the State of Israel, backed by the US-led imperialist bloc and supported by a majority of the international community.

The same forces that have torn apart Palestine and established an apartheid state are now exploiting the global crisis of capitalism to advance their expansionist agenda, inflicting devastation and suffering upon millions of oppressed and working people.

International institutions like the United Nations and the International Court of Justice, which were supposedly established to ensure world peace and justice, have revealed themselves as toothless debating clubs, passing symbolic resolutions and functioning as instruments of imperialism. The real solution lies not in these powerless institutions but in the collective revolutionary action of the oppressed and working masses worldwide.

RSF and JKNSF stand in solidarity with your call for resistance. The liberation of the people of Lebanon, Palestine, and all oppressed peoples will only come through the revolutionary struggle of the masses. We support your demand for the formation of committees to organize and manage resources. Your refusal to depend on institutions governed by Zionist interests and your call for unity in resistance serve as a revolutionary beacon for all.

Today, we once more evoke the memory of our shared struggle for the liberation of the oppressed through the powerful verses penned down by the great revolutionary poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz during his exile in Beirut, responding to the aggression of Israel against Lebanon in 1982.

Lights up the city’s lanes.

And radiant is Lebanon.

Beirut, ornament of our world.

Every charred house, every ruin

Is equal to Darius’ citadels.

Every warrior brings envy to Alexander.

Every daughter is like Laila.

This city stands at time’s creation.

This city will stand at time’s end.

Beirut, the heart of Lebanon.

Beirut, ornament of our world.

Beirut, exquisite as Paradise’s Garden.