Our ecosocialism

December 27, 2018 gabi 0

…but of its Stalinist, bureaucratic and distorted negation. This thesis is key in the struggle between post-capitalist perspectives. Changing all the rules: our socialist model In response to the ecological…

Chile: Dismantle the Special Forces, all those responsible must go

December 20, 2018 gabi 0

…must make themselves available to movilizations. The Frente Amplio should drop its parliamentary passivity and use its position to call for a demonstration against the government’s policy, just as the CUT and CONFECH should. Dismantle the Special Forces! Chadwick, Soto…

The political situation in Turkey and the region

December 5, 2018 gabi 0

…party, the CHP, fell into a major crisis after the June 24 presidential elections. The leadership struggles created huge disappointment and rage among CHP voters, especially against the party leadership….

International Twitter Rush for Abortion Rights

August 6, 2018 martinc 0

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeqzWagG0cU[/embedyt] The Catalan organization Marea Verde Barcelona, of which our Juntas y a la Izquierda comrades are a part of, has posted a video calling for an international “Twitter…

The difficult struggle for abortion in Argentina

August 6, 2018 martinc 0

…of the Senate vote on Wednesday, it will be but another round of a struggle that will continue. Celeste Fierro, Juntas y a la Izquierda [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXzv6REQzDQ[/embedyt] [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4UNe7HHq5k[/embedyt][embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PowZrJoZ2x8[/embedyt]…