We regret to inform the passing of our comrade Pablo Vasco. After a brief hospitalization, depite of the efforts made, Pablito, as comrades and friends called him, lost one of the many battles he fought in his life as a revolutionary socialist militant and advocate for human and gender rights.
A dear and beloved comrade, Pablo’s early departure, at 66 years old, will undoubtedly leave an inevitable void not only in the ranks of our party, the MST and the ISL, but also in the areas of debate, organization and struggle where he gave the best of his militant energy. He was also an example of self-sacrifice and dedication to the cause for socialism that will surely be engraved with fire not only in each and every one of us who shared his efforts and struggles but also s an example ain the training of new generationsa of militants and fighters.
Pablo had a long trajectory in the revolutionary left. He was an active militant uninterruptedly since 1975 in the PST, then in the old MAS and later in the MST, as a member of our National Leadership.
He was a bank worker, a steelworker and a university student. He was part of the editorial board of our newspaper, the propaganda commission and the international tasks.
Pablo dedicated a particular effort to the construction of the International Socialist League. He was one of the pillars in the development of our international current in different areas, carrying out political work in France and collaborating with political relations with several organizations.
Pablo projected his enthusiasm and capacity towards two areas in which he left an unquestionable mark. One is the struggle for gender rights and in particular of LGBT+ people, on which he developed ideas that have materialized in various publications, and above all, where he dedicated his militant energy since the 1970’s until the foundation of of LGBT+ organization Libre Diversidad, and as a leading member of the Argentine LGTB Federation.
Also, with our human rights organization CADHU, he strongly embraced the cause of the struggle for human rights, against the impunity of past and present, unquestionably becoming one of the architects of the Encuentro Memoria, Verdad y Justicia coalition that organizas most mass human rights mobilizations in the country, working side by side with its other leaders and with all its organizations, making great efforts to maintain unity in diversity, always to develop the struggle, aware of the need to develop the mobilization, especially in these times of repression and denialism.
He carried out all his militant activity with affection, a fraternal and supportive comrade with the sufficient empathy to develop criticism and sharp debates effectively. If there was someone to whom nothing human was alien, that was Pablo. That is the reason for the sadness that runs through this Sunday and the many expressions of affection and hugs that we are receiving from many diverse sectors.
Today it is not a commonplace to say that we are going to miss him very much. We are going to transform this sadness into greater strength to continue building the MST in the FIT Unity and the ISL and to pick up and maintain the banners that he is leaving us.
A huge hug to his partner Jorge, his brother Gustavo, his son Matías and all of his relatives, friends and comrades.
We will remember you, dear Pablo. Until socialism, always.
Executive Committee of the MST in the FIT Unidad
We bid farewell to Pablo today from 7 to 10 pm at Acevedo 1120, City of Buenos Aires, and tomorrow at 12.30 pm at the Chacarita Cemetery chapel to march to the crematorium.