21st Central Socialist Convention of JKNSF (Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation), representative of revolutionary conscious of youth and claimant of socialist revolution is going to be held at Muzaffarabad on 9th of October.

Thousands of students across the country will be participating in Student’s Rights March going to held for restoration of student union, against the privatisation of educational institutions and the class based educational system, just before the main event. Progressive Students Organisations and Leadership will be addressing the convention not only from Pakistan but also from both sides of control line. JKNSF was founded in 1966 as the first and foremost students organization of Pakistan Occupied Jammu Kashmir. JKNSF in its 55 years history always been there as a radical and agitational youth movement for restoration of students’ rights and against imperialist enslavement and capitalist exploitation.

JKNSF’s upcoming convention is substantial importance for the students politics this region. JKNSF is appealing from all the revolutionaries around the globe including Pakistan and India to send video messages concerning upcoming Socialist Jammu Kashmir Convention as a solidarity for Kashmiri students and youth. A classless society can only be formed through a united struggle of students and workers of the whole world by defeating the capitalist class based system. As Karl Marx said, workers of the world, Unite. We have nothing to lose but chains.

Knowledge Struggle Victory
Our Aim Freedom
Our destination socialist revolution