Bajo las consignas “Ni despidos, ni tarifazos” “Paro activo y Plan de lucha”, las organizaciones integrantes del Plenario del Sindicalismo Combativo, marchamos el 14F a Plaza de Mayo desde la sede Callao del ex Ministerio de Trabajo. Superando los intentos represivos de la policía de Macri y Larreta que trató de impedir la marcha, una masiva columna de sindicatos, internas, agrupaciones clasistas, movimientos sociales combativos y la izquierda, nos manifestamos reclamando el cese de las medidas de ajuste que castigan al pueblo trabajador y levantando el programa obrero alternativo votado en el plenario de Lanús, fundacional de este espacio de coordinación.

Raising the slogans “No lay-offs or public services hikes”, “for an active strike and a plan of struggle”, the member organizations of the Plenary of Combative Syndicalism marched on 14F to Plaza de Mayo from the Callao headquarters of the former Ministry of Labor. Overcoming repressive attempts by the police of Macri and Larreta, that tried to impede the march, a massive column of trade unions, classist organizations, combative social movements and the left, mobilized demanding an end to the austerity measures that punish working people and raising the alternative workers´ program that we voted in the Lanus plenary that founded this coordination space.

At the common head of the march were the leaders of the plenary´s table and figures of the main union currents of the classist left, next to delegations of some of the current conflicts.

Our union current, ANCLA, contributed one of the two main columns of the march, with teachers, State, health, tire, telephone and airport workers, among others, along with the unemployed movement Teresa Vive and a combative group of the youth of the MST- New Left.

I was he spokesperson for ANCLA at the rally, along with Cesar Latorre (Italian Hospital), Alejandro Crespo (SUTNA), Pollo Sobrero (UF Haedo) and other leaders. A delegation of the company in conflict, former Nidera (oil workers), was present and saluted the rally.

As we said in the rally, we must use this mobilization to fortify the current conflicts and the upcoming ones, like teachers. We strongly raised the alternative program and demanded a national strike, called for strengthening this labor unity space and advancing toward the unity of the left to dispute on the political terrain.

Against the defection of the bureaucracy, the merit of combative syndicalism is having held this action in the political center of the country, and also in the main cities.

Guillermo Pacagnini