As always, when a dramatic event happens that affects the people, we do not search for something hidden to speculate about what happened or abuse coincidences. Investigations are underway to determine the causes of the fire that devastated this cathedral, which is part of world heritage. Macron rushed to the event as if he was throwing himself into the fire. Sad clowning. Then, all the so-called “political class” did their sacred union bit to save Notre Dame and be part of the event. In the midst of all this, Dupont-Feignant arrived. 1

Truth be told, our first fear was human: the fear that there were wounded or dead among the faithful, the workers, the firemen. There is no victim! Thus, for our rulers, this drama became a divine surprise, a means of drawing attention to a “common” cause that could erase, for example, the pious lies of the Minister of Defense.

While the cathedral was on fire, women, children and civilians die under French bombs in Yemen and the most atrocious famine strikes its inhabitants. Minister Parly denied this “interference” of the arsenal of the French State.

A holy union on the way

A sacred union for the Cathedral? Not with us! Even if only because of the help the French state provides to Saudi leaders in their war of extermination, a genocide. A division of labor between the suppliers of weapons and their users, justified four years ago by then Prime Minister Valls, a disguised fascist.

Sacred union with Macron and Le Pen? Not with us, no matter what happens!

Sacred union with the magnates of CAC 402? Never in a life! They make their donations, which will then be rewarded by tax refunds that their patronage provides. And this is beyond whatever the cause of this drama may be.

Some relevant questions

Like many, we hope that the investigation will be made public as the causes are discovered. But, once again, we will not be part of any of these “Republican Springs” for Notre Dame.

One question is in every mouth: what safety measures were taken to avoid this drama? What was the number of firefighters on duty and inspectors in Notre Dame? What was the number of workers assigned to that work? What were the deadlines? What was the fire fighting device? The State will have to respond.

Dupont, professional slacker

Dupont-Aignan stands out from the national unity and points out the possibility of an attack. In the Huffington Post we read: “Reactivated in the fact of qualifying this drama as a possible attack, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan admitted that he had no proof…” 3 In general, when you do not have proof, you avoid pretending to have them. Unless one is as lazy as Dupont.

Of course, one cannot discard any clue, but for now the attack option loses strength.

Humanity is our heritage

For the rest, as one Internet user said, our heritage is humanity. It is our planet, all of it and all its inhabitants and all the works that are part of our history, of which the history of art, architecture, construction and stone cutting, the work of glass and colors, are part.

Macron´s train of announcements

That night, Macron apparently wanted to announce the indexation of retirement pensions to the increase of prices for retirees who earn less than 2000 euros, an achievement of the struggle of the yellow vests.

He wanted to announce measures to increase work hours, another fault of the national union leaders caught up in the agreement of the capitalist “reforms”. The suppression of the ENA4, which will undoubtedly flatter some poorly inspired populists, was initially an achievement of Liberation to recruit senior officials by competition under the Statute of Civil Service. It did not guarantee those who governed foolproof docility, especially of finance inspectors.

In this sense, we quote Laurent Joffrin (5): “Let us remember that the creation of the School, prepared by Maurice Thorez (6), an emblematic measure demanded by the partisans who changed the country after the war, marked a considerable republican progress. And that’s when the system was diverted.” (7)

  • Let’s not forget Macron´s plans to end public function and the School.
  • Macron threatened to lower taxes, to tax us better!
  • There’s no national unity with those we want to throw out!

La Commune, 19/4/19

  1. Dupont-Aignan is a right-wing politician, popularly called slacker (faignant, in French).
  2. Index of the stock exchange of Paris.
  4. National School of Administration.
  5. Editor of the newspaper Liberation.
  6. Communist leader, minister of the Public Function between 1945 and 1947.
  7. The political leader of Laurent Joffrin 17/4/19.