The crisis of the EU imperialist bloc did not take a week off. Political, economic and social uncertainties grow.

G7 or Anton Pirulero. The final statement and the family picture could not hide that the word powers did not reach meaningful agreements. The background of its sessions have always been the tensions among them, the crisis. In the G7 “each plays its own game” while the EU is sinking in the Mediterranean Sea.

With Brexit, without Parliament. In Great Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has cut down the days of parliament session. In the face of the October 31 deadline he does not want MPs to have time to discuss and vote on a no deal Brexit without. The Queen approved this serious anti-democratic measure.

As we were writing this article, Boris Johnson has lost the majority and no one knows how this will end: a hard Brexit, negotiation or elections? Everything is possible.

Merkel exits, does recession enter? Angela Merkel is at her end, politically weakened and letting go the steering wheel of the EU that she controlled for decades. On top of that, warning lights turned on in the face of the possibility of Germany entering into an economic recession, with all that this would imply with the possibility of a new world crisis.

A stumbling idol. Emmanuel Macron negotiated important positions for France in the leadership of the EU. In the G7 he attended meetings with the main leaders and wants to replace Merkel.

He even spoke against Bolsonaro for the fires in the Amazon. In the international arena, it seems to be on the offensive, but the coin has two face. On side B, the popularity of the French president is on the floor, since the “yellow vests” have put him in trouble. Now he prepares an unpopular reform to increase the retirement age and continues the repression. In France new struggles and political storms are coming.

A mistaken calculation. Former Italian prime minister Mateo Salvini threatened Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with a motion of censure, and he resigned before President Sergio Mattarella. So the far right Salvini dynamited the government he was part of (5 Star Movement and League) in less than fourteen months.

Trusting polls, he wanted to force elections to keep all the power. However, it did not work as now a coalition between the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party (PD) could govern. Uncertainty was reinstated in Italy.
Still without an elected government. Spain still has not elected a president and there is the possibility of new elections. The PSOE of Pedro Sánchez continues playing with fire in a country where the economic crisis has not ended and the monarchist-parliamentary regime is exhausted. The verdict. The Supreme Court will issue a verdict on the independentist political prisoners and it will not be an absolution; this will be rejected by the Catalans who want the Republic and freedom. They want to scare the people for the 1-O Referendum, but the mobilization has not been defeated.

A tremor. The EU will continue bringing crises, austerity, repression and cuts on democratic liberties. We must not trust the defenders of capitalism and its institutions. They can only guarantee injustice, wars and the loss of working, social and democratic conquests.

Strikes, mobilizations and demands. In London, thousands of people took to the streets against Boris Johnson´s anti-democratic measure. In Biarritz there were clashes and mobilizations against the G7. In France there will be measures from different working sectors and a general strike is announced for September 24. On September 11, Catalan Dyad that mobilizes thousands of people will take place, as the previous step of a struggle in response to the verdict of the political prisoners.
Despite the traitors. As defining moments are coming, bourgeois politicians and traitorous union leaders hold back and divide the demands. Despite them, there are still struggles. Supporting them is the first task of the groups and parties of the International Socialist League.

There is another way out. The “eurosceptic” and “europeanist” parties are the two faces of the same capitalist coin. We must build anti-capitalist political alternatives, and revolutionary, socialist and internationalist parties. On the road to a strategic exit: breaking with the European Union so workers can govern in a free Federation of Socialist Republics, at the service of the needs of the great majorities.

Rubén Tzanoff