By Silvia Leticia national leadership of Luta Socialista / PSOL

The coronavirus pandemic accelerated the global economic crisis. To get out of this crisis, imperialism and the national bourgeoisies. They try to apply harsh measures against workers´ rights and gains, which deepens the social crisis. The multinationals´ profits are destroying the planet, we are experiencing an unprecedented environmental crisis. It is necessary to say, loudly, that we will not pay for that crisis.

The workers of the cities and the country, were coming from huge struggles, even before the pandemic. Australia, France, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, plus the uprising in the US are examples of this. They are anti-capitalist mobilizations, with partial victories that did not obtain total victories due to the treason of the leaderships.

The world is increasingly divided into two fronts: The front of the revolution that fights with the workers and the poor, and the front of the counterrevolution that tries to apply the fiscal adjustments. It is this polarization that marks the entire world situation.

We are commemorating the 80th anniversary of the political assassination of Leon Trotsky. On this occasion we want to pay our tribute to the leader of the Bolshevik party, commander of the Red Army, recalling that the crisis of humanity continues to be the crisis of its revolutionary leadership.

Our organization, which belongs to the PSOL, it is part of the political struggle of the militants who continue to help in the construction of revolutionary parties with mass influence, without falling into the skepticism or opportunism, nor in the blind sectarianism and self-proclamation that has determined the political action of many socialist and revolutionary currents worldwide.

We continue to uphold Trotsky’s maxim, which in the Transitional Program affirms, of helping the masses in the process of their daily struggles, to find bridges between their current demands and the program of the socialist revolution.

The best tribute we can make to Leon Trotsky is to continue. Dedicating every day of our lives to the construction of fighting revolutionary parties, in the daily exercise of proletarian internationalism, in rebuilding his life’s work and the World Revolution Party.

That is the commitment of Luta Socialista.