Once again the unity of delivery and app-based workers will be seen in more than 12 countries around the world on October 8th.

October 8th is not coincidental, but strategic. We seek to join the fight with workers defending  the California (USA) law AB 5, which has granted employee recognition to thousands of app-based workers.  Californians will start voting by mail on October 6 and we are calling on the  people to reject the attack organized by Uber, Lyft , DoorDash who have already “invested” more than $180 million by Voting NO On Proposition 22. Winning this fight will set precedent and will advance the demands of workers around the world.

From Japan to the United States; from Germany to France, Spain and Italy; from Mexico and through Latin America with Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Chile and Argentina – you will hear the demands aimed towards common employers such as Uber/ Uber Eats,Orders Ya, Rappi, Glovo, IFood, Deliveroo, Lyft, DoorDash, etc.

Employers are multinationals! The exploitation is global! That is why this fight is international!

We are facing the attempt by these companies to impose a labor flexibailty model, which means a setback in the labor rights acquired for all workers in the world. This new labor model is characterized  by the role that employers give to technology in order to increase their own profits, at the cost of reversing the conditions of millions of workers. As well as a widespread act by states allowing and guaranteeing the precarization of work that they want to impose.

The Coronavirus pandemic deepened the job precariousness of app-based workers, as tens of thousands of colleagues were affected by the spread of the virus, without companies providing safety and hygiene materials in quantity and quality –  to try to prevent the spread of Covid19 affecting workers and users.

The great struggles that were brewed in different countries of the world, with thousands of app-based workers on the streets of Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, California, etc. prepared the conditions for this Fourth International Stoppage of Delivery  and Application Workers.

We dennounce the brutal repression of the police and paramilitary groups in Colombia that have already caused the death of more than 13 people, two of whom are fellow delivery workers. Colombian workers are rising up in the face of President Duque’s brutal adjustment, which seeks to lay the crisis on the backs of workers, we stand in solidarity with Colombian workers struggle. 

We reject the regulations that Argentina, Colombia and other countries intend to vote where app-based workers have not been consulted and in which they intend to institutionalize labor fraud and lousy working conditions. We denounce the false agreement signed by the platforms in Italy. An agreement that worsens and exasperated the precarious conditions in which drivers are required to work.

  • On October 8th we will raise the flags and demand of employee recognition, we are not independent contractors, we are workers! We are fighting for the increase in our income that in many cases have been frozen for more than two years or in more severe cases have been unilaterally reduced by companies.
  • We reject the rancking system that encourages deadly competition between workers.
  • We demand app-based companies to provide worker compensation, medical coverage and theft –  they must also take care of the work equipement, accidents, hospital stays at no cost to the workers. We demand paid leave for illness, accidents and parental.
  • No more unjustified deactivations, we demand the right to refuse orders without sanctions.
  • We demand justice and compensation for the relatives of our fellow colleagues that died while at work. 

Through assemblies and the genuine participation of app-based workers, let’s reinforce the organization and class unity so we can hit like a single fist.

Long live the international struggle of workers! 

Long live the October 8th international stoppage of app-based workers!