The massive leak of emails from the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Emco) brought to light the constant persecution of social and political organizations, expressing that the logics inherited from the dictatorship continue to operate in state agents and in the institutions of the Armed Forces and police. Our organization, Movimiento Anticapitalista, like other organizations, has been a victim of the state policy of espionage and monitoring, while the leak revealed the aberrant collaboration with human rights violators by the current institutions of the Armed Forces. We demand an independent investigative commission for all the truth, trial and punishment of those responsible to end impunity.
The backdrop for the hacking of the emails of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the systematic violations of human rights as a state policy that occurred in the context of the rebellion of October 18, 2019: eye trauma, sexual political violence and murders at the hands of state agents. What was revealed by the hack is just the tip of the iceberg of the dynamics used by the repressive apparatus against social and political movements.
The consequence of keeping intact the structure inherited from Pinochetism in the Armed and Police Forces are what we are witnessing today with the monitoring, persecution and espionage as a framework for action by state agents protected by impunity 49 years after the coup military, reproducing the logic of the “internal enemy” as revealed by the email leak. In this context, the dialogue between Emco and the PDI involves a series of daily reports of social activity of interest to “state intelligence”, listing acts and demonstrations.
The “Daily Account No. 03” of the Police Intelligence Headquarters (JENAINPOL) on Saturday, January 04, 2020, reports that: “The group “Movimiento Anticapitalista” convened an activity called “anti-capitalist New Year cultural political day,” to be held in the street José Joaquín Vallejos No. 1425.” This activity was carried out publicly and disseminated through our social networks and had a variety of invited musicians and artists, as well as international greetings and words from relatives of victims of femicide, hundreds of people participating. In this activity we were constantly monitored by Carabineros. This persecutory report by the PDI is reiterated against other social and political organizations, showing that this is a habitual and systematic practice by the repressive forces.

It is precisely because of the systematic expression of monitoring by police officers that alerts us and we express to the public that the leaked report coincides with the operation carried out by PDI officials on March 23, 2021, where around 10 police plain-clothes officers detained our comrade and former constitutional candidate Camilo Parada a few blocks from his home after an electoral activity, keeping him incommunicado and isolated for more than 4 hours. Clearly a scandal that to this day has no clear justification other than the intimidation that they did not achieve.
The hacking of the EMCO emails is a window to glimpse into how state agents continue to operate under the logics inherited from the dictatorship in the face of the social and political activity of the majority, while it demonstrates facts as aberrant as the call to finance defense of the human rights violators imprisoned in Punta Peuco by Rear Admiral Ramiro Navajas, General Director of Navy Personnel, calling for “solidarity and a spirit of camaraderie, values of our Institution.” This demonstrates how the operating bases of the armed institutions are currently constituted.
It is for all of the above that we demand that the facts be clarified with the opening of all the archives of the Armed Forces and police in dictatorship and democracy, that they be investigated by the formation of an Independent Investigative Commission made up of irreproachable personalities from civil society to reveal the whole truth, that the human rights violators of yesterday and today be judged and punished, dissolution of the repressive forces inherited from the dictatorship. No more impunity and pacts of silence.
We hold state agents responsible for any act of intimidation, persecution and espionage that affects the integrity of our membership and all social and political activists in the country. We also call on all human rights, social, political, trade union and territorial organizations and the international community to show solidarity and demonstrate to stop human rights violations.
Movimiento Anticapitalista