By Movimiento Anticapitalista – Peru
It has been a year and a half since Pedro Castillo took office. His election was the expression of the huge predisposition to fight for in-depth changes of the workers and the poor people, to put an end to poverty, unemployment, hunger salaries and a corrupt and repressive political regime, absolutely decaying and without perspectives.
It is unfortunate that Castillo betrayed his electoral program to give in to the right-wing seeking compromises that did not allow him to avoid being removed and imprisoned. The coup perpetrators now try from their seats, with Dina Boluarte as President, to sustain the corruption institutionalized for 30 years and guarantee the continuity of the neoliberal policies that afflict our people since the Fujimorist dictatorship.
Of course, once again, the Peruvian people show their unequaled courage. A few hours after the coup by Congress and its business allies of the CONFIEP, which had the usual support of the mass media, different social and trade union organizations, defense fronts, the Federation of Peruvian Students (FEP), peasant organizations, among others, spoke out against the new government and its cabinet. Outrage became the expression of the self-convocation and organization of the popular insurgency and was the driving force for various mobilizations in Puno, Cusco, Tacna, Lima (capital), Apurimac, Arequipa. The airports of Cusco, Arequipa and Puno are occupied All the national universities are occupied, among them the emblematic University of San Marcos. Classes have been suspended at national level and at this very moment today, Thursday 15, as we write these lines, a great mobilization is taking place in the capital Lima where tens of thousands are demanding the closure of the Congress. We are clear WE MUST NOT PROPOSE TO BE THE ADMINISTRATORS OF THE NEOLIBERAL CRISIS!!! WE MUST BE THE TOOL TO END THIS SYSTEM!!!!

We firmly trust in the strength of the mobilization and independent organization of the working people, peasants and students, to make the capitalists pay for the crisis. We call on the people to rise up to correct the course to which the right wing and the traditional particracy are leading us.
This whole situation we are living in our country is taking place in the midst of an unprecedented world crisis. For this reason there is no room for cosmetic measures, but rather it is indispensable to promote popular mobilization in the broadest unity of action independent of the government, in order to achieve the basic measures promised by Pedro Castillo in his electoral campaign and much more. For these reasons we understand it is indispensable to raise a program that allows to achieve the electoral slogan of “no more poor people in a rich country” in a reality for the poor people as a whole. We demand trial and punishment for the murderers of our 10 comrades killed so far in different regions of the country. We demand the freedom of Pedro Castillo because we do not recognize this justice system or this Congress as having any authority whatsoever to judge anyone.
For a united mobilization to achieve a free and sovereign Constituent Assembly now! We must put an end to the 1993 Constitution with which the capitalists and the powerful have enriched themselves.
We need the urgent convocation of a great assembly of the social, workers, peasants and student organizations of Peru to debate how to give continuity to this struggle and the program that we must impose.
Being aware that only a government of the workers and the people applying an anti-capitalist and socialist program, we will achieve real change and rights for all.