At midnight last Sunday, the illegitimate president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, announced in a message to the nation, that the “broad-based council of ministers” had decided to coordinate with the Congress of the Republic so that the general elections would be brought forward to April 2024.

The aspiration of Boluarte and the Congress to complete the electoral period until 2026, lasted only hours, swept away by the popular mobilization that has been growing fundamentally from the interior of the country, and as of today, Monday, it may take an exponential leap since a strike of peasant teachers and university students has been announced.

Boluarte also announced a state of emergency for the zones where the protests are strongest, and so far two deaths and numerous arrests have been officially recognized in the zone of Apurimac where the demonstrators have taken over the airport, thus preventing the arrival of new repressive forces.

As our comrades of Alternativa Anticapitalista say in the attached statement, these announcements are a maneuver aimed at decompressing the social situation.

The people outraged

The growing mobilization, which includes a general strike announced for next Thursday the 15th, as part of a process which, if it were to continue, could dismantle the maneuvers of the new government and impose, in addition to bringing forward the elections, the call for a Free and Sovereign Constituent Assembly, to defeat the reactionary Fujimorist Constitution of 1993. Mobilization and self-organization will show the way to allow us to freely discuss the solution for Peru, which, as socialists, revolutionaries and anti-capitalists, we believe cannot be other than a government of the Workers and the People.

Protests inside the Peruvian Congress



The right wing is the one who has really governed the last 30 years in our country and they are leading us once again to a deep crisis. That is why they are betting on different replacements that maintain the pillars of the economic model standing. Pedro Castillo and his accumulation of concessions to the right-wingers have not been able to prevent his government from failing and the traditional partydocracy from seeking to recompose itself with “a government of consensus and national dialogue” with all the sectors that forced the coup against Castillo from the Congress.

The repeated requests for vacancy and the motions of censure to the different cabinets were aimed at cornering Castillo. This same action deepened a terminal economic, social and pandemic crisis that has led to the collapse of our fragile monetary and democratic system, causing structural chaos throughout our population, which has not only been a witness but also a victim of the ravages.

Now, as we have previously said and warned on several occasions, Castillo is not a victim, his fall and current detention are the product of the abandonment of the demands for which he was voted and the betrayal of the program he spread during his candidacy. The fall of the government is a product of the search for consensus with his enemies, of his turn to the right “so as not to annoy” the factors of power while they demanded more and more until, cornered, he took a desperate and solitary measure that does nothing more than ratify that the course taken from the first day of his government was never in favor of the great popular majorities.

Serious repression on the part of the brute right-wing Fujimorism.

Now in this new situation where the reins of the country are under President Dina Boluarte and all the recomposition of the right wing, its first expression is the cabinet of truce that will have right-wing and economist characteristics in defense of the neoliberal model and the Fujimorist constitution of 1993, sustaining institutionalized corruption. The alliance with CONFIEP will be retaken, mining projects will be retaken and the main mining companies such as Cerro Verde and Compañía de Minas Buenaventura, Las Bambas, Minera Antapaccay and Southern will be given permission to keep advancin. The alliances and agreements with international capitalist organizations such as the UN, the OAS, the IDB, the OAS, the WTO and the IMF, which represent economic power and political and social repression against the people, will continue.

There is a way out, to raise a program that allows for more profound advances, for this we must continue with the incipient mobilization that demands the advance of the elections, the closing of the congress and the freedom of Castillo because we do not recognize the corrupt judiciary any authority to judge him. We will insist on the massive self-convocation of all the social, union, women’s and youth organizations and we accompany the expressions of resistance that are already taking place throughout the length and breadth of the country against the coup Congress.

We reject the repression that is already taking lives in different regions of our country.

 For a free and sovereign Constituent Assembly now! For the convocation of new elections! without ties, allowing the participation of the workers, popular and peasant organizations of the whole country, so that everything can be discussed and begin to build a different society For a government of the workers and the people without businessmen and bureaucrats.

People in Plaza San Martin booing and shouting “traitor” to Antauro Humala.