By Sofía Martinez from Lima

This Wednesday, January 4, protests were resumed throughout the country against the government of Boluarte and indiscriminate repression. Several actions of struggle have been carried out in different regions that express up until today in the 35 blockades on national roads that are being maintained for an indefinite time. The high Andean zone and all of southern Peru have been at the forefront of this process, and in Arequipa, Cusco, Puno, Ayacucho, etc., etc., the strike has been massively carried out. But there were also important demonstrations in the jungle area, and in Trujillo, La Libertad, Piura in the north of the country. In Lima last night there was a strong gathering in the Plaza San Martin, where more than 15,000 people expressed themselves to demand once again the resignation of Boluarte and the dissolution of the congress.

This popular uprising, which has already cost the lives of dozens of Peruvians, however, does not seem to be stopping. On the contrary, everything indicates that it is gaining new momentum. Economic, educational and transportation activities have been paralyzed in many of the areas described above, where the majority of the participants are workers in the civil construction industry, the mining sector, merchants in local markets and self-convened inhabitants of the poorest areas.

The confrontations with the repressive forces have been isolated and, at least up to now, no new casualties have been reported.

The regional defense committees are announcing the call to LIMA for a new march of the “4 suyos” in allusion to what was, in the year 2000, the great social mobilization that contributed to seal the fall of the dictatorial government of Alberto Fujimori.

The Boluarte government maintains the state of emergency and only resists on the basis of repression and the support of the armed and security forces. It is a shaky government that counts on the lack of coordination of protests at the national level.

The union centrals only accompany or express solidarity, but they are reluctant to take on a role in the coordination and organization of the protests. The parties of the center-left barely mobilize and make overdue declarations.

That is why it is indispensable to boost the call for a new national assembly in which all of the sectors in struggle participate and that it takes charge of giving continuity to the fight until achieving the fall of the murderous Government and the closure of the congress, to push for the Constituent Assembly and defeat once and for all the Fujimori Constitution pf 1993 and start walking the road of real solutions that will be impossible to reach without the government of those from below, the ones who never governed, an anti-capitalist and socialist government of the workers.