On Monday, February 6, starting at 2:00 p.m., delegations of the PRT, MTC and the OSR, together with independent activists, carried out a combative picket to repudiate the genocidal and usurping dictatorship of the Congress and the spurious president Dina Boluarte that is bleeding the heroic people of Peru.
The Peruvian people took to the streets at the beginning of December of last year and have maintained an intense mobilization for more than two months now. The Peruvian people demand an early election for this year and the immediate resignation of the usurper Boluarte, neither of which has happened yet and the protests have intensified during the last few days, despite the police brutality that has already claimed the lives of more than 60 people.

At around 12:30 p.m. the PRT militants met at the Casa del Pueblo to organize our party’s column, to get ready and then move to the Peruvian embassy where other comrades would join us. At the agreed place comrades from the Revolutionary Socialist Organization (OSR) and the Workers and Peasants Movement (MTC) were present. There were also other independent activists, as well as from other leftist groups.
Our objective was to make known our disagreement that Dina Boluarte, being a usurper and responsible for more than 60 deaths, is still in power. Some of the slogans that were chanted and appeared on the banners were: “Solidarity with the people of Peru”; “Down with the criminal dictatorship of Dina Boluarte”; “No more repression of the Peruvian people”. But above all, the most important thing was to make known our solidarity as a socialist party, to make known our solidarity with the working people of Peru, with the women who struggle and who are day by day pushing forward and a fundamental component of the social struggles in Peru.
A newspaper of national circulation was present and two comrades of our organization gave statements and explained to the press the reasons and motivations for the protest in front of the Peruvian embassy.
We demand the fall of this infamous dictatorship, we support the struggle of the Peruvian people to dissolve the Congress and call for a free and sovereign National Constituent Assembly to re-found the country for the benefit of the workers and the oppressed, subjected to the centuries-old and ferocious domination of the oligarchy, in association with the corporations and Yankee imperialism. This struggle is our struggle. We demand, therefore, also the rupture of diplomatic relations of the Chaves government with the Peruvian dictatorship. The people and the working class, their organizations, are the ones who must take their own destiny into their own hands.
This mobilization is part of the internationalist determination that the PRT strengthens from the trench of the International Socialist League which we are part of.

For the socialist unity of the peoples of Latin America!
Out with Dina Boluarte!
Up with the Peruvian working class!