Saturday, February 11, was another day of struggle. Hundreds of thousands mobilized throughout France against Macron’s anti-pension reform. Since it was a non-working day, different from what has been done so far, it allowed the participation of new sectors and families. A successful fourth round of this relentless fight against the government and bosses.

By ISL France

Between 963,000 and 2.5 million mobilized in more than 200 cities of France, many more than last Tuesday 7, as the police itself had to admit. Workers and their families once again said NO to the increase in the retirement age from 62 to 64 and also to the increase in the contribution years. This fourth round has shown that there is still a very massive level of rejection of Macron’s reform, that there is strong uneasiness in the working class and middle sectors in the face of the deterioration of the standard of living and that they are not willing to continue paying the cost of capitalist austerity.

While large columns of trade unions and also political organizations marched through the center of Paris and other cities, and many independent people joined the trade union processions, the Interunion, which groups all the trade union centers, confirmed the next national strike and mobilization date: Thursday 16.

Even with winter school recess since the 18th, the period of greatest tension and definition is about to begin. The government remains firm and is betting on achieving favorable votes in both chambers. However, in spite of the moderate rhythm of the Interunion, some federations such as the CGT and SUD Rail workers are already calling for a stoppage on March 7, to join March 8 -international working women’s day- and then continue with a reconducive strike.

Successful action in the service of the struggle

Facing Thursday the 16th and the days to come, it becomes necessary for activism to organize general assemblies in each working and studying space, demanding that the leaderships radicalize the struggle and extend the call for a general strike that will completely paralyze all of France, the only way to twist Macron government’s arm, its reform and its capitalist partners.

In tune with this situation, the revolutionary wing of the NPA – in which we, comrades of the ISL in France, militate – held a successful rally in Paris on Wednesday, February 8, in the “La Bellevilloise” hall. There was an enthusiastic but thoughtful turnout of more than 500 attendees, including workers and students. Comrades Ken (automobile worker at PSA Poissy), Irina (university student), Armelle (teacher), Gaël Quirante (postal worker) and Damien Scali (railway worker from Lille) closed the event. They made proposals to strengthen the current struggle against the reform and also for a political, anti-capitalist and revolutionary solution of the working class. As the party newspaper says, the task now is “to establish real links between us, to hold meetings, general assemblies of strikers: with the movements only directed from above, there is the risk that if one union slackens it will endanger the mobilization of all, we know that this has already happened before. It is our movement, the normal thing is that we control it from beginning to end”[1].
