We may be witnessing an unprecedented historical moment. The logic of the capitalist system, based on a matrix of production and consumption functioning around private profit, with its monopolistic private property regime of large corporations and national borders artificially dividing…
1. Between 2015 and 2020, with marked inequalities country to country and region to region, a new global wave of feminist struggle developed: the fourth wave in contemporary history. It had international scope with epicenters in the US, Latin America…
1. Introduction As we have been discussing through reports, articles and documents (which we have systematically updated) since the last ISL Congress, the world is experiencing extreme political and social polarization. A strong climate of political tension and growing social…
Considering: * That in Nicaragua a dictatorship regime endures that rules against the whole of the working people, peasants and youth, suppressing the most basic democratic rights; * That Ortega-Murillo, a few weeks ago, released more than 200 political prisoners,…
1.- Given the importance of being able to thoroughly debate, learn and share the reality of what is happening in our country under the Maduro regime that tremendously affects the lives of millions of working families, we propose that the…
This text is an initial outline on the most important aspects of the European situation; its precision and improvement will be the result of collective elaboration in the upcoming II Congress of the ISL. In the Old Continent there are…
April 19 will mark one year since the imprisonment of the unjustly persecuted labor leaders and activists of the Independent Trade Union of Belarus. For this reason, the Salidarnast platform, which brings together Belarusian workers in exile, will convene an…
The new Israeli government, a shock to the entire region. More than ever, we must defend the cause of Palestine 1. In a particular expression of global political polarization, last November the legislative elections in the State of Israel were…
The participation of comrades from Africa, the debate about that continent and the prospects for intervention and construction of the ISL in it, were a notable part of the 2nd Congress of the International Socialist League. The recent incorporation to…
By Marea Socialista A new 8th of March. Not only are the previous years women’s demands maintained, but are also deepened in the face of the offensive of a deeply patriarchal, capitalist, anti-worker and anti-rights government. In Venezuela, this year…