After three months of negotiation behind closed doors, the parties of the regime, from the PC to the UDI, agreed on a new constitutional process, ” Agreement for Chile”. The proposal stems from the right wing grouped in Chile Vamos…
By Joaquín Araneda, Movimiento Anticapitalista In the midst of a growing inflationary trend that hits the majorities, one month of Boric’s administration has passed, the proposals of the FA-PC excuse themselves in the “fiscal responsibility” for a set of focused and…
After days of press “leaks”, various gossips and frictions in the parties of Apruebo Dignidad and its “new” allies, finally Boric presented his government team in front of the National Museum of Natural History in Quinta Normal. A formulation, according…
We are a few months away from two international events that will take place in our country. On November 16 and 17 the annual meeting of the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) will take place, and during December the XXV Conference…
The Labor Commission met twice to discuss the proposal of the Communist Party and the Broad Front and approve the project for the reduction of working hours from 45 to 40 hours a week. A desperate right showed its pro-capitalist…