Labor leader and member of Marea Socialista and the ISL Jean Mendoza was arrested on Saturday, January 15, 2022 in Puerto Ordaz, while participating in a meeting with workers from his company, the Chilean multinational Masisa.

The arrest was carried out by the CICPC police agency, in a new repressive and criminalizing attack against the Venezuelan working class.

An arrest warrant had been issued for Jean Mendoza by the 15th prosecutor’s office of Puerto Ordaz, in clear collusion with the Masisa company, in response to the struggle that the Masisa workers have been waging for their rights.

From the ISL, we call for the broadest solidarity with our comrade Jean Mendoza, demanding his immediate release.

Marea Socialista has already launched a campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #LibertadParaJeanMendoza. Actions are being prepared in Venezuela and, with the impetus of the ISL, also in various countries around the world to demand that the authorities immediately release Jean. We call on the organizations, leaders and activists of the working class throughout the world to join this initiative and to promote, on all social networks and in activities at the diplomatic representations of Venezuela in each country, an international campaign for the immediate liberation of Jean Mendoza.

We will continue posting the campaign’s activity here an in all our networks.