The International Commission for the Life and Freedom of Political Prisoners in Nicaragua, through the International Socialist League (ISL), reported that in the next 3 days, it will be collecting testimonies in exile for the preparation of a Final Report that will be releaced internationally in a few weeks.
Mariano Rosa, coordinator of the Commission and representative of the ISL, stated, “We continue receiving thanks from the relatives of prisoners and victims, both in exile and in hiding in Nicaragua. We achieved the objective of placing Nicaragua and the dramatic situation of its political prisoners on the regional agenda. Now, we are going to prepare new actions of greater international scope and regional scope. We are setting up an International Movement that is going to unify all the potencial scattered throughout Nicaragua today, for the life and freedom of political prisoners in that country.”
Por su parte, Luciana Echevarría, vocera parlamentaria de la Comisión, diputada del MST-FIT Unidad (LIS-Argentina), explicó que “Ya tenemos una hoja de ruta para esta semana, vamos a estar entrevistando a excarcelados, a familiares de presos, a familiares de víctimas, a estudiantes con sus expedientes académicos usurpados, a referentes del Movimiento Campesino, a activistas de género, de ONGs clausuradas, a la prensa censurada, en fin: vamos a relevar testimonios para elaborar un informe esclarecedor, contundente y bien documentado para difundir en todo el mundo. No podemos ser indiferentes con Nicaragua, es efectivamente nuestra consigna”.
For her part, Luciana Echevarría, parliamentary spokesperson for the Commission, legislator for the MST-FIT Unity (ISL-Argentina), explained, “We already have a roadmap for this week, we are going to be interviewing released prisoners, relatives of prisoners, relatives of victims, students with their academic records usurped, activists of the Peasant Movement, gender activists, activists of closed NGOs, of the censored press, in short: we are going to collect testimonies to prepare an enlightening, straightforward and well-documented report to spread throughout the world. “We cannot be indifferent to Nicaragua” is effectively our slogan”.