We reproduce below the statement of the Memory, Truth and Justice Meeting, which brings together hundreds of organizations, including the MST in the FIT Unidad. It was read at the massive mobilization called by the coalition this October 25. We share images and the intervention of Alejandro Bodart, coordinator of the ISL and General Secretary of the MST in the FIT Unidad.

Stop the genocide of the State of Israel. Solidarity with the Palestinian people

In the face of the armed conflict between Palestine and Israel, the Memory, Truth and Justice Meeting affirms that there is no “a war” nor are there “two comparable demons”, but rather the legitimate resistance of a people oppressed for decades by the racist, expansionist, terrorism of the State of Israel. In turn, Israel, which failed to comply with 24 UN resolutions, whose Human Rights Commission denounced that said State exercises apartheid, is today committing a new massacre.

The Zionist State has been mercilessly bombing schools, hospitals, mosques, churches and neighborhoods in Gaza, which has also left the Strip without electricity, water, fuel or humanitarian aid. Two thirds of hospitals are no longer functioning. This attack has already caused some 5,000 Palestinian deaths, of which 60% are women and children. Israel forces the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Gazans to the south of the Strip, preparing the direct occupation of its troops. Yet another episode of their anti-Palestinian ethnic cleansing.

But the genocidal barbarism unleashed by Israel is being responded to in Palestine and repudiated by massive mobilizations around the world, often defying governmental prohibitions. In our country, it is necessary to join forces in the same direction and demand that all governments sever relations to isolate and weaken Israel.

We reject the deceitful campaigns of Israel, the US and other complicit governments and politicians, which endorse a new anti-Palestinian massacre. The cause of the conflict is the genocide that Israel has committed since it was founded in 1948, with blood and fire. And Netanyahu’s far-right government, whose authoritarianism also unleashed an internal crisis in Israel, aggravated the anti-Palestinian offensive by seeking the complete colonization and annexation of the West Bank.

We recognize the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and to rebel to defeat the oppression they have suffered for 75 years, now aggravated by the criminal siege and bombing of Gaza. We invalidate any attempt by the Israeli government to use the Nazi genocide to conceal its own genocide against Palestine and silence critical voices.

For all these reasons, we say:

Stop the Zionist genocide.

All our support and solidarity to the Palestinian people

No more occupation. For the right of return.

For the release of Palestinian prisoners.

Imperialism out of the Middle East.

The national government must break relations with the State of Israel!

March against the Zionist genocide in Gaza

Images of the important mobilization: