Pakistan: Summer Marxist School 2024 a great success

The Revolutionary Students Front, the Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation and The Struggle, ISL section in Pakistan, held a historic Summer Marxist School 2024 on August 23-25. Over 350 youth from across the country and its held areas attended de event, which took place in Malam Jabba, Swat, an area that has been hit by intense Taliban and military operations and suffers conditions of extreme oppression and insecurity.

Some of the main sessions were: The World in Turmoil: The Polycrisis of Capitalism and the Revolutionary Way Out; A Socio-cultural Analysis of Contemporary Capitalism from Marxist Standpoint; History and Lessons of Post-War Mass Uprisings and Revolutionary Overthrows; and Tasks of Revolutionary Youth Today. A detailed report will be available on our websites soon.