Statement of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union on the latest events in the country

We reproduce the following statement recently issued by the Belarusian Independent Trade Union on the latest events in the country.


The Executive Office of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union on the escalation of violence in the repression of pacific protests.

Sadly, the background of the end of the presidential elections of the Republic of Belarus has been an escalation of violence against peaceful protests in several cities.

Continuous signs of massive violations of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus and information on the massive protests of citizens with the aim of protecting their vote give us the right to believe that the results of the vote count do not correspond to the citizen´s will. Being constantly in touch with common voters and company employees, we know their mood, their preference, their choice.

We are against violence. We champion freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, democratic and fair elections and the possibility of changing the government.

Using the army against civilians is unacceptable. We demand that the use of disproportionate violence, sound and flash grenades, gas grenades, rubber bullets, special equipment and munitions, and the imprisonment of peaceful protesters and random bystanders be halted, that all people detained since the beginning of the campaign be released, that uninterrupted access to the internet be restored.

We call the authorities to not hide behind the shields of the security forces, but to start a constructive dialogue with the peaceful protesters.

Maxim Poznyakov, BNP President