Statement by the General Union of Students in Lebanon

Today, the story of the genocide of peoples at the hands of the international colonial system continues. One year after the start of the genocide in Gaza and the failure of the occupation to break the firmness of Palestine, we see the attempts of the Zionist colonialist and expansionist settler entity manifested through ground incursions and air and sea aggression against our people and our land in Lebanon. This is clear evidence of the essence of the nature of this entity, in light of the declared and undeclared support of the colonial regimes that plundered our land and tore our people apart for their political and economic interests and who live off our blood.

Gaza and what we are witnessing today in Lebanon have exposed the hypocrisy of international supporters and political organizations and revealed their role in the siege, starvation and legitimizing practices of the occupation since the days of the Nakba. The United Nations is the colonial facilitator and legislator of the colonialist and expansionist Zionist regimes as the highest stage of fascism as it claims to be a beacon of world peace. But it has failed to fulfill its responsibilities and achieve its goals. How could it be otherwise? How can an institution created to serve colonial powers be an instrument of liberation? Its failure to achieve its mission is nothing more than an inevitable consequence of its structural nature. It has silently witnessed – and often blessed – ​​the crushing of indigenous peoples and the suppression of liberation movements at the feet of the colonizers.

We are here to confirm that we do not need their pity or your statements on paper, but rather to expose their role and the hypocrisy of their contributions that do not benefit the oppressed and displaced. This is the reality we live in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, which is in line with the declared objectives of the Zionist colonial system (the New Middle East Project) and which Netanyahu emphasized within the hall of that political organization (the United Nations) on the day they began to expand their war of extermination in Lebanon. What we are witnessing today in the attempt to impose a siege on Lebanon is a repetition of what occurred in Gaza, in preparation for the ground invasion. Using hunger and deprivation of services as a weapon of extermination and subjugation. The so-called material support that these institutions provide to the displaced and affected are nothing more than crumbs that do not rise to the level of the tragedy. This indicates their inability to meet the basic needs of a people that is being exterminated.

From Beirut, we affirm the right to resist all occupations and settlements, and we call upon the free peoples of the world (students, workers, resistance fighters, men and women) to take action to stop the system of genocide that has violated the blood and wealth of the people. The people will not be liberated except through their struggles and only through revolutionary popular resistance.

Let us all oppose Zionist terrorism and affirm the decision to stand firm and confront it.

Therefore, we, the General Union of Students of Lebanon, call upon:

First: To all our families and popular groups in Lebanon: we must organize ourselves into popular committees to manage resources for the firmness of all categories of our people.

Second: Do not depend on institutions governed by Zionism when the number of displaced people exceeded one million and aid was scarce.

Third: The time has come to go beyond illusions and move towards a popular resistance based on the liberation of all human beings from the colonial killing machine.

Fourth: Should we expect relief from those who trade in our suffering? Instead, we must unite and move forward collectively inside and outside Lebanon to build a new world and a new humanity.

Fifth: The struggle of the peoples by all means to impose a ceasefire on the occupation and its supporters without conditions on the resistance.

Sixth: Fight by all means to break the attempt to impose a siege on Lebanon

Seventh: ⁠Press for the arrival and intensification of donations and aid until firmness and victory are achieved.

The General Union of Students of Lebanon


October 1, 2024

To contribute to the Lebanon solidarity aid campaign, you can deposit money into the following account:

Openbank. Headquarters Madrid, Spain

Owner: Asociacio Liga Socialista Internacional

IBAN number: ES20 0073 0100 5005 0663 4205


Account number: 0506634205|