Leon Trotsky: an indispensible

August 21, 2022 Federico Moreno 0

…doors and windows were installed. A redoubt was constructed with bomb-proof ceilings and floors. Double steel doors, controlled by electric switches, replaced the old wooden entrance where Robert Sheldon Harte…

Nicaragua: Open letter to the dictatorship

July 19, 2022 martinc 0

…a new July and April. New windows of opportunity for another Nicaragua: without enriched elites, nor paid informers, nor executioners of the people, nor interested interference (be it Chinese or…

Con Trotsky, hasta el final

With Trotsky to the End

August 20, 2021 Federico Moreno 0

…Coyoacan had been converted into a virtual fortress. The guard was increased, more heavily armed. Bullet proof doors and windows were installed. A redoubt was constructed with bomb-proof ceilings and…

Chile is Still Awake

October 20, 2020 martinc 0

…plaza to make it clear that we never left, that the pandemic put us on standby, but we never left. Since early on Sunday, from the balconies and windows you…

From Stonewall to Black Lives Matter

August 14, 2020 martinc 0

…color, who are pushed into the informal economy for survival are most frequently targeted by “broken windows” policing and are disproportionately brutalized by police, penalized and incarcerated as a result….