Trotsky on the United Front

July 1, 2024 Federico Moreno 0

For a Workers’ United Front Against Fascism (Letter to a German Communist worker, member of the German Communist Party) Written on December 8, 1931, it was first published in Biulleten…

The Left and U.S. politics today

May 28, 2024 Federico Moreno 0

…addresses a crowed at Georgetown University. Photo: In the intervening years, the social democratic Left around Sanders and DSA failed to reckon with the impasse caused by its own strategy….

Debates: Where is the PTS – Trotskyist Fraction Going?

May 4, 2024 Federico Moreno 0

…which in the heat of the mobilization opens the road to a government of the workers and socialism in Argentina. _________________________________________________________________________ 1. (7/3/21) 2. Es llamativo que en un…

ISL World Document 2024: Socialism or barbarism

January 31, 2024 Federico Moreno 0

…the military structure of the Africa Corps, created by the Russian government. [5] [6] [7] [8] The UN warns that prejudices against women are entrenched around the…

Baloch Resistance: Again I shall rise!

January 20, 2024 martinc 0

…protestors. We left Balochistan to convey our message to the common people of Punjab, which has not been delivered to them for the last 75 years.” Originally published in…

Nicaragua won Miss Universe and a sigh

December 11, 2023 martinc 0

…League, we continue to build, with modest but firm steps, an organization that will be the spearhead to end tyranny, knowing that victory will be when the people decide. [1]…

Pan-African Congress of the ISL: “Together with our Sahrawi comrades for the liberation of the last full colony of our continent, Western Sahara”

November 22, 2023 martinc 0

…with the Moroccan autonomy plan. 2023 In the UN General Assembly, Pedro Sánchez supports the work of the special envoy of the UN Secretary General despite his anti-Sahrawi turn.…

ISL Pan-African Congress: The human drama of immigration to Europe

November 22, 2023 martinc 0

…are respected; that is, for a world with a socialist system. [1] World Migration Report 2022 [2] [3] The statistical office of the European Union. [4] [5]…