2020: What is Coming in the World Economy

December 24, 2019 martinc 0

…to move the world and the prospect of a new global economic crisis. [1] Protectionism and world economic crisis: What is the logic of Trump’s trade war? http://lis-isl.org/2018/08/17/proteccionismo-y-crisis-economica-mundial-cual-es-la-logica-de-la-guerra-comercial-de-trump/ [2] https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2019/11/28/the-fantasy-world-continues/…

Chile: The Debates Posed by the Revolution

December 1, 2019 martinc 0

…of political organization that were, until recently, limited to the circles of the most politicized vanguard, within the reach of the masses. We present here some debates about the fundamental…