Brexit-UE: On the brink of the abyss

April 1, 2019 gabi 0

…referendum, and others; anything is possible when crisis reigns. The English define the situation as chaotic and there have been mobilizations in favor of remaining in the EU. The 27 members of the imperialist bloc will meet on April…

Some reflections about the Venezuelan situation

March 12, 2019 gabi 0

…United Nations authorities, vindicating its intervention, saying: “we greatly value the role you have been playing as general secretary of the United Nations in defense of multilateralism and peace”. This…

Anticapitalist Network: My trip to Turkey

March 6, 2019 gabi 0

…International has long abandoned the construction of revolutionary parties. Other currents, as those referenced in some organizations of English Trotskyism, are built around a mother party that imposes the wrong…

Spain: Elections, Podemos and the left

February 27, 2019 gabi 0

…CUP could play a very progressive role, heading a call of this type; not only in Catalonia (where JxCat and ERC have demonstrated their inconsistency), but throughout the Spanish State….