Turkey: What does PKK Leader Karayılan Tell?

December 1, 2020 islsep 0

PKK leader Murat Karayılan’s interview with the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post (JP) should have brought about heated discussions among the “socialist” groups in the HDP component, but obviously, they have their heads…

41 Years from the Revolution. Is the FSLN Socialist?

July 19, 2020 martinc 0

…[5] El Sandinismo y la Revolución Nicaragüense, Nahuel Moreno; Buenos Aires; 2018; p. 6. [6] Cuello, H. F. y Maza, J., Nicaragua: la revolución congelada, Bogotá, 1982; p. 14. [7] http://www.cuba.cu/gobierno/discursos/1979/esp/f260779e.html [8]https://elfaro.net/es/202007/el_salvador/24623/Juicio-jesuitas-Testigos-vinculan-a-Cristiani-Parker-y-agentes-del-FBI.htm [9] Resoluciones…