A new revolutionary ascent shakes the world

December 1, 2019 martinc 0

…and an iron fist for decades. Qualitative changes occurred, even in the countries where the rebellions were defeated. The engine of all the uprisings and semi-insurrections that have taken place…

Brazil: Bolsonaro, the bum

October 19, 2019 martinc 0

“Eu andei no sol em 245 cidades, gritando o nome desse vagabundo” (I walked under the sun in 245 cities, shouting the name of this bum). This is how Delegado…

The ISL in Australia

September 12, 2019 martinc 0

From August 22 to 26 we participated together with Alejandro Bodart in the Sydney Socialism conference, organized by Socialist Alternative of Australia, and  also in various internal activities of the…

Brazil: a cornered Bolsonaro

August 26, 2019 martinc 0

The president leads the austerity crusade against the Latin American people. A faithful ally of Trump, that intends to unleash the weight of the capitalist crisis on the working class…

Harassment in the spotlight

August 16, 2019 martinc 0

The denunciations against famous tenor Placido Domingo have revived the debate about misogynistic aggressions. In the heat of the fourth feminist wave, the world campaign #MeToo has not stopped in…