Spain: the show trial has begun

February 13, 2019 gabi 0

The Supreme Tribunal of Spain judges the “procés” amidst a profound crisis of its government and regime. The trial could last three months, with over 500 witnesses. On the bench…

Cuba: Revolution and restoration 60 after

December 30, 2018 gabi 0

The Cuban Revolution gave rise to the first country that expropriated capitalism in Latin America. Its emergence, independent from the USSR, under the leadership of Fidel and Che, generated a…

Campaign of solidarity with Nicaragua

December 19, 2018 gabi 0

Whereas since April 18, 2018 a policy of State terrorism has been established in Nicaragua; Whereas this policy manifests itself in the actions of the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario…

Andalusia: regional elections, national tendency?

December 4, 2018 gabi 0

The PSOE (Socialist Workers Party of Spain) has fallen, the right is rising and Vox’s far-right has broken into the institutions. These results have caused a spectrum of feelings: disappointment, pessimism and,…