On The Day of Victory – V.U. Arslan

May 10, 2020 islsep 0

…the most difficult period ever behind after the Second World War, by gaining new fortunes for itself. This process lasted until the struggles of the 1960’s. [1] https://www.ft.com/content/c270e004-04b4-11e7-ace0-1ce02ef0def9 [2] http://www.diken.com.tr/putin-yine-lenine-yuklendi-rus-devletinin-altini-oydu/ [3] These statements…

The EU and Capitalism Have No Fix

May 7, 2020 martinc 0

…the imperialist bloc as the DE, “European (Dis) Union” and “Eurochaos” instead of the Eurozone. The EU crisis is complete: health, economic, social, humanitarian, political and institutional. And it comes…

Lebanon: A New Surge in the Popular Struggle

May 4, 2020 martinc 0

…radicalized against the government and banks. The armed forces´ repression, which claimed the life of Fawaz Fowad, 26, in Tripoli on April 27 added fuel to the fire. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRlljU7-rUwRaPAZlSEg7M-Gld0YOr3Kb Protests,…

May 1st of 2020 – ISL Statement

May 1, 2020 martinc 0

…seen as customers, the public health system is collapsed, social security is marketed, the resources obtained from the workers are transferred to private insurance companies, private hospitals and pharmaceutical companies…

Imperialism and Crisis in times of pandemic

May 1, 2020 martinc 0

…deaths. Trump´s daily press briefings are the tragedy and farce combined, as early denialism has morphed into a display of overplayed success stories and suggested disinfectant injections. One of the…

Statement of the ISL Youth

April 29, 2020 martinc 0

…and its ability to change society has been completely turned upside down. Karl Marx pointed to the hidden nature of exploitation and inequality in the capitalist mode of production, saying,…

International Panorama

April 28, 2020 gabi 0

…in-depth report on the Bolivarian Revolution by our comrade Alejandro Bodart, interviews with comrades from Marea Socialista of Venezuela, international news and much more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIewqYgle7o Friday, October 9 – New…