Spain: crossroads

July 31, 2019 martinc 0

…other parties. Based on programmatic agreements and common parliamentary objectives with Unidas Podemos, it is what they call the “Portuguese way”. Vice President Carmen Calvo put it this way: “The…

Argentina: ten reasons to vote for the left that unites

July 31, 2019 martinc 0

…independent socially committed intellectuals, outstanding cultural sectors, university academics, social investigators, public figures, of the ecosocialist movement and human rights movements, of alternative independent media and other militant sectors that…

The truce in the China-US trade war does not reduce the prospect of a new peak in the world economic crisis

July 17, 2019 martinc 0

…[2] The two powers that want to change the world. Financial Times [3] [4] What is the logic of Trump’s trade war? [5] What the US wants is China to…

Europe: a cave of white collar bandits

July 3, 2019 martinc 0

The institutions of the European Union change their faces but maintain their nefarious policies. Last Thursday the summit to define the community leadership and the opening session of the European…