Spain: the defeat of the Trio of Colon

April 30, 2019 gabi 0

…the PSOE. Nonetheless, this result constitutes a comeback from where they were before 28A. The televised debates allowed Pablo Iglesias to recover a little and continue in the race with…

Brazil: The hundred days of Bolsonaro´s government

April 11, 2019 gabi 0

…pleases his most consolidated social base, which mostly comes from the middle class. The witch hunt against the so-called “gender ideology”, “cultural Marxism” and “leftist indoctrination” has the only purpose…

Venezuela: MAREA SOCIALISTA begins a new phase

April 5, 2019 gabi 0

…critical intellectuals, social activists and classist left organizations to come together in the coordination and promotion of a common struggle for the fair demands of the people. United with some…