Brexit-UE: On the brink of the abyss

April 1, 2019 gabi 0

…multinational companies, the banks and the rich. The Troika leads the imperialist bloc on the path of austerity plans, destroying workers´ conquests and causing usurer debts with the states. Capitalism will never favour the great…

Notes on the new Arab Revolutions

March 18, 2019 gabi 0

…his wing, the most privileged took complete control of the country’s resources to loot them waste them. Evident governmental corruption became common, the mafia in power and the mandates of…

Algeria: when a country rises

March 7, 2019 gabi 0

Algeria has risen! It is a country where protesting against the regime has become constant for many years now. The revolution and the war for independence against the colonizing French…