Spain: the show trial has begun

February 13, 2019 gabi 0

…(Governorship), Carles Mundo (Justice) and Santi Vila (Business); the ex president of the Parlament Carme Forcadell; the president of Ominum Cultural, Jordi Cuixart, and the ex leader of the Asamblea Nacion Catalana,…

Anticapitalist Network statement on Venezuela

January 25, 2019 gabi 0

…make business, carrying out a huge embezzlement, while ruling along side loyal capitalists and allowing foreign corporations to continue accumulating wealth, are responsible for the humanitarian crisis that the country…

European Union-Brexit crisis: imperialism in decay

January 20, 2019 gabi 0

…nationalization of the banks and foreign trade, workers´ control of production and commerce to satisfy popular needs, guarantee of complete democratic freedom and internationalist unity with the workers and people of the world,…