Costa Rica: Casa del Pueblo walls vandalized and PRT leadership receives threats

We reproduce the article of the Central Committee of the PRT published in the newspaper Bandera Roja and the solidarity declaration of the Executive Committee of the ISL

In the context of the international campaign “freedom for the political prisoners of Nicaragua”

Last Sunday morning, the headquarter of the PRT in San José was found with a graffiti that said “Perros Trotskos” (Trotskyist Dogs). This attack on the headquarter of our party takes place in the context of the international campaign that we, together with other organizations, carry out for the freedom of at least 185 political prisoners that the capitalist dictatorship of Ortega-Murillo keeps in sub-human conditions of imprisonment and torture. The “graffiti” was made just before the mobilization we had planned, jointly with the Revolutionary Socialist Organization, for May 30th, to the Nicaraguan embassy to demand the immediate release of the people unjustly incarcerated by the Orteguist regime and to remember the day the Mother’s Day massacre, which occurred during the popular uprising of 2018 when the Nicaraguan army fired their weapons against a massive mobilization.

Around the perimeter of the headquarter, we found graffitis with the initials of the Sandinist Front, a name that is being stolen by the dictatorship of Ortega-Murillo, which shows who promoted the “graffitis”, all of them carried out in the eve of the Day of the Martyr Mothers.

Also in the surrounding area of the Casa del Pueblo, they left their signature stamped on the walls: JVC, initials of the Costa Rican Vanguard Youth, organization of the Youth of the Popular Vanguard Party, that denominates itself as a leftist and revolutionary party and member of the electoral group of PUEBLO UNIDO.

We have more evidence of who are effectively members of the JVC, who also on May 8th during the march and popular mobilization carried out provocations and threats to the safety of the a leader of our executive committee. It is important to add that the Casa del Pueblo is not only a headquarter of the PRT but also a space to the service of the social and popular struggle of Costa Rica; this headquarter has been used for meetings of several organizations to which it has been lent without any cost, like for example the Bloque de Vivienda (Hosing Bloc), an organization of struggle for housing at a national scale; the Nicaraguan organizations, among other organizations.

We strongly condemn this action that we consider pathetic; we know that we have big political differences with the Popular Vanguard Party, but the way to settle them is through honest and open debate of ideas, as it must be among popular organizations. These methods must be banished from the left. We consider that the action carried out by a small group of the JVC is a vile act. Thus we demand a public apology from the Popular Vanguard Party and its Youth. Furthermore, we request Martín Chinchilla, former presidential Candidate of Pueblo Unido grant us an urgent meeting and Pueblo Unido as a whole to publicly clearify if they endorse or are accomplices of these nefarious methods or not, and to clearly state their stance.

We know that the Popular Vanguard Party supports the regime of Ortega and Murillo and considers it a leftist government. We completely disagree, because the Sandinist leadership has long time abandoned the revolutionary path, as we explained in our flyer “the sandinist leadership: 30 years erasing the trails of the revolution”, we consider that it is not a minor issue, as it causes confusion in the ranks of the popular and leftist organizations, especially in the youth.

Central Committee

Revolutionary Workers Party (Costa Rica)

San Jose, June 2, 2022

Paris, June 3, 2022

Comrades of the PRT

We want to transmit to you our strongest rejection of the attack suffered by our headquarter and we offer you any assistance you may need. Know that you are not alone. All the organizations of the International Socialist League, to whom we have informed the event, are in alert and send their unconditional solidarity.

It is evident that the strong activity you are carrying out for the release of the political prisoners in Nicaragua and the denouncement of all the crimes of the dictatorship of Ortega-Murillo is stressing the regime and its local accomplices.

Maybe the provokers that carried out this coward action and their intellectual perpetrators believed that with this kind of provocation they were going to be able to crush you. They were so wrong. They have only made you stronger and boost the campaign we have been jointly carrying out.

In a few days several of our comrades will be there with you and a broad range of organizations marching in the streets of San José and towards Nicaragua. Let’s work together to make this mobilization massive. That will be the best response to the cowards that in the shadows of the night have dared to attack you. We send you a strong socialist and revolutionary embrace.

Executive Committee

International Socialist League