The International Commission´s repercussions grow

As the days go by, the initiative of the International Commission that intends to enter Nicaragua to verify the confinement conditions of the 190 political prisoners in that country is becoming a political event on the agenda throughout Central America and the region. Some of the main media outlets have interviewed the members of the commission on their arrival, in particular legislator Luciana Echevarria and Mariano Rosa, coordinator of the initiative of the International Socialist League. The intense activity of the International Socialist League in various countries promoting the activity has added to this.

Below we present the reflection of some of the highest points of media coverage and the first adhesions and international greetings.


It is important to point out that an important group of media outlets are giving an account not only of the scope of the commission but also of the steps that reflect the negotiations with the Ortega regime for concrete entry into Nicaragua, in this sense we share other participations in the media.

The commission’s agenda continues today, Thursday 07/07, with an important press conference in the Costa Rican parliament (which will be widely broadcast by all ISL media), in the legislative assembly, accompanied by a representation of the Broad Front of that country, which represents a new relevant political development.

Finally, on Friday, the highest point of the Commission’s activity will arrive. With several buses, cars and other means of transport, a caravan will be carried out accompanied and supported by various organizations grouped in the local support committee for the International Commission, such as the PRT of Costa Rica and other forces of the left.

Precisely the PRT of Costa Rica, a fraternal organization of the ISL, has been carrying out intense political agitation activities and is preparing a very representative contingent for Friday’s Caravan. Luciana and Mariano held meetings with leaders and members of that organization.

Sympathy is growing, as well as, confirmed by the coordination of the Commission, the concern about a regime that discusses the possibility of allowing part of the Commission to enter.

We will continue to report daily on the progress of the commission as well as the greetings and signs of support from the various organizations around the world that adhere to this initiative.

Interview at Noticias Columbia


Comrades of the International Commission: From Socialism and Freedom (SOL) – Spanish State, we stand in solidarity with the International Commission and the Caravan that will leave from San José, Costa Rica to Nicaragua. Receive all our support in the demand for the “Freedom of the Nicaraguan political prisoners,” victims of the repression of the Ortega-Murillo regime. Greetings.


У Беларусі мы церпім жорсткія рэпрэсіі рэжыму Лукашэнкі перад абліччам мабілізацый, якія патрабуюць свабоды. Мы ведаем, як цяжка цярпець пераслед, несвабоду выказвання, палкі і турмы для апанентаў. Па гэтых прычынах мы салідарныя з Камісіяй і Караванам за свабоду нікарагуанскіх палітычных зняволеных. Мы браты ў адной барацьбе супраць дыктатуры і за свабоду. Сіла таварышаў і таварышаў! Прывітанне ад СМОТ Беларусі.

In Belarus we suffer the brutal repression of the Lukashenko regime in the face of the mobilizations demanding freedom. We know how hard it is to endure the persecution, the lack of freedom of expression, the clubs and jail against opponents. For these reasons, we stand in solidarity with the Commission and the Caravan for the freedom of Nicaraguan political prisoners. We are brothers in the same fight against the dictatorship and for freedom. Strength, comrades! Greetings from SMOT of Belarus.


Уважаемые товарищи!! От имени Всеукраинского независимого профсоюза “Захист праці” и Украинской Социалистической Лиги я выражаю свои приветствия Международной правозащитной комиссии, которая едет в Никарагуа изучать вопрос содержания политических заключённых в Никарагуа и защиты их прав. Это очень важный вопрос не только в Никарагуа, но и во всем мире. Защита прав политических заключённых в Никарагуа – это неотъемлемая, часть нашей политической и правозащитной борьбы. Надеемся, что наша комиссия, будет иметь успех и сможет привлечь внимание мировой общественности к этой проблеме и на деле помочь политзаключенным в соблюдении их прав и свобод, а также привести к пересмотру их уголовных дел, часто сфабрикованных в угоду политическому заказу на борьбу с инакомыслящими и не согласными с политикой режима Ортеги-Мурильо.Олег Верник.

Dear comrades! On behalf of the Ukrainian «Zakhist Pratsi» Independent Trade Union and the Ukrainian Socialist League of Ukraine, I express my greetings to the International Commission traveling to Nicaragua for the protection of the rights of political prisoners. It is a very important issue in Nicaragua and around the world. It is an integral part of our political and human rights struggle. We hope that you will be successful and can draw the attention of the world community to this problem and, in fact, help political prisoners to observe their rights and freedoms, as well as lead to an annulment of their criminal cases, often invented to combat dissidents and those who disagree with the policies of the Ortega-Murillo regime.

Oleg Vernyk



La violation permanente des droits humains permet de voir le visage du capitalisme et ce que la bourgeoisie veut et peut faire à travers ses gouvernements pour maintenir les privilèges de sa classe. Face à leurs attaques, nous devons répondre avec unité, organisation et solidarité. Pour cette raison, nous déclarons notre soutien complet à la Commission Internationale pour le Nicaragua. La Commune, section française de la Ligue Internationale Socialiste, tient à vous dire que vous n’êtes pas seules. Les travailleuses et travailleurs de France vous accompagnent dans la demande de la liberté des prisonniers politiques.

La Commune

The permanent violation of human rights shows the face of capitalism and what the bourgeoisie is capable of doing, through its governments, to maintain the privileges of its class. Faced with their attacks, we must respond with unity, organization and solidarity. For that reason, we declare our full support for the International Commission for Nicaragua. The Commune, the French section of the International Socialist League, wants to tell you that you are not alone. The workers of France accompany you in the demand for the freedom of political prisoners.

The Commune

Interview at Seminario Universidad

United Kingdom

In the heat of the historic national strike that shook the United Kingdom after 30 years, from London, I stand in solidarity with the International Commission. Strength to claim for the freedom of Nicaraguan political prisoners and against Ortega’s dictatorship. A hug comrades.

International Socialist League – United Kingdom


The Round Table With Sergio Marin Cornavaca. Today at #LaMesaRedonda we will talk with Mariano Rosa, national leader of the Argentine Socialist Workers Movement – Left Front Unity, and General Coordinator of the International Commission on behalf of the International Socialist League, about the international commission of legislators and leading personalities who are trying to get to Managua to verify the situation of Nicaraguan political prisoners.