Brazil: Declaration of the LS/AS (internal PSOL currents) Liaison Committee BOLSONARO OUT IN THE STREETS AND AT THE POLLS, VOTE LULA 13

1. On October 30 we will have the second round of the presidential elections in Brazil. The most important task that the mass movement has today is to vote for Lula 13 to defeat Bolsonaro at the polls and affirm a program for the working class. These are our priority tasks.

2. The defeat of the genocidal Bolsonaro did not come through the streets. He continues his government of bankers, landowners, corrupt, militiamen and enemies of the environment, of the indigenous peoples, of the quilombolas, of women, of LGBT people, of the poor, of Black people and of the workers. A large part of this was due to the class conciliation that decided to face Bolsonaro only at the polls, discouraging street demonstrations and underestimating his capacity and use of the state machinery to run for re-election. This result arrived, Lula got the first place, with more than 57 million votes (48.4%), but Bolsonaro, despite almost 4 years of destruction, followed closely with 51 million votes (43.2%).

3. The Brazilian people need an alternative to almost 10 years of economic, social and political crisis. In a genuine way, they gave their vote for Lula 13 to defeat the misery that the Bolsonaro government means. But an important part of the population, fueled by anti-PT sentiment, continues to believe that Bolsonaro represents a popular project of power. Our task now is: 1) To convince the people with all our strength to vote for Lula 13 in the second round to defeat Bolsonaro and his white supremacist and patriarchal authoritarian neoliberal project; 2) Present a mobilization program to resolve the Brazilian crisis.

4. There are more than 100 (one hundred) million poor Brazilians who have nothing to eat. Unemployment has increased by millions and the population living on the streets of the big cities is abandoned and without social assistance. The cost of living has also increased with rising prices for food, cooking gas, electricity, rent, transportation and public fees. To survive, more than 80% of families are in debt.

5. To prevent this catastrophic situation from deepening, we call to vote for Lula 13 without lowering our guard in the struggle so that the millionaires and billionaires pay for the crisis; for food on the plate with redistribution and a national food fund; for full employment, with wage increases equal to the cost of living and real inflation; for the annulment of all unpopular reforms; for the restructuring of all our public goods; for the end of taxes on wages, basic goods and essential services, for taxes on bank profits and large fortunes; for 100% public education and healthcare; for the fight against racism, sexism, ethnocide, lgbtphobia and ableism, for the redistribution of land to the people and for the survival of our environment against capitalist extractivism; demarcation of indigenous and quilombola lands and an end to illegal mining and land dispossession, for the memory of the almost 700,000 dead of the Bolsonaro genocide and to prevent more people from dying. For scientific development in public and free universities and for national sovereignty.

6. We must call for the broadest street mobilization, as we did in 2018 with #EleNo, or in 2021 with the great #ForaBolsonaro manifestations, forming committees, assemblies, meetings in workplaces and homes, calling for votes by Lula 13 and adding to this movement the construction of a class based, anti-capitalist and revolutionary political project, against Bolsonaro, Bolsonarism and the capitalist system that produced them.

Time is short! Bolsonaro Out! To the streets to vote for Lula 13 and for a program for the working class!

São Paulo, October 6, 2022

Liaison Committee – Luta Socialista / Alternativa Socialista (PSOL internal currents)