Brazil: The people in the streets to defeat Bolsonaro and the extreme right. Vote Lula 13

There are only a few days left to define who will be the next president of the Republic of Brazil. The dispute is still open and the latest polls point to a scenario of uncertainty.While Bolsonaro has already stated what he came to do in recent years, proved by his genocidal, violent and impoverishing behavior towards the working class (and promises even more with the serious threat of untying the minimum wage and pensions to inflation) the campaign of the Broad Front – Lula President has refused to present basic solutions to the brutal economic, social and environmental crisis that penalizes the poor and workers of our country.

The axis of the Frente Amplio has been to dialogue and dispute the support of sectors of capital and national business that have supported all the anti-worker measures of Bolsonaro’s genocidal government. On September 7, Bolsonaro, who defends the torture and murder of our young black people and those who live in the peripheries, who hates the poor, hates women and sexual diversity, puts thousands of fanatical followers in the streets encouraging his troop for a crusade against civilization, important fact that strengthened him electorally. The Frente Amplio, glued to the “legacy” of the political past of the PT/Centron governments, was on the total defensive, thus emptying the streets, calling to trust the ballot boxes and managing in a superstructural way its small electoral advantage that has now reached its limit. Bolsonaro grows due to the rejection that large sectors of society express after their disillusionment with 12 years of Petista governments with that same logic that today they reproduce.

No agreement at the top, no support with media visibility, no pact with our class enemies will be enough to send Bolsonaro and the ultra-right back to the sewer of history. It is necessary to put the people in the streets, to call urgently for a national march, a real VIRA VOTO day and to call the organized working class, the base of the social movements for rights, the unions, the trade union centrals, the movements fighting for agrarian reform, for housing, human rights, for the rights of women, black communities, LGBTQIA+, the militancy of the political parties of our class, EVERYONE in a single front, no one can be left out, to win the elections and elect Lula 13 president of the country. The candidate of the ultra-right claims that everything is fine, that Brazil has improved, which is a big lie. We will take to the streets, squares and avenues all over the country to demand food, jobs, wage increases and free and quality public services. We will defend nature and the environment, the free right to love, religious freedom, the democratic freedoms conquered, we will demand that the rich and powerful pay the bill for the crisis in which we live.Lula must call on the poor and working people of our country to occupy the streets, all public spaces to ensure victory. Without the people in the streets to defeat Bolsonaro, defeat is a possibility.It is up to the PSOL and its national leadership to put itself, without any programmatic hesitation, at the service of this struggle.

São Paulo, October 20, 2022.


Socialist Struggle Socialist Alternative Socialist Alternative Internal tendencies of the PSOL