Brazil: ISL present at the National Meeting of CSP-Conlutas

By Liaison Committee Socialista-PSOL and Alternativa Socialista- PSOL – ISL, Brazil.   

On December 2, 3 and 4, at the Sindicato dos Metroviários de SP, the National Meeting of the CSP-Conlutas will take place with the slogan “Workers defeat Bolsonaro, now is the time to prepare the struggles and strengthen a class-conscious alternative”.

It will be 3 days of debate and construction of a Central that does not retreat nor allows itself to be charmed by the siren songs of class conciliation and prepares for a coming year of struggle against any attempt to attack the working class of our country.

We of Unidos Pra Lutar and of the Classist Feminist Collective Marielle Vive, in the Liaison Committee of Luta Socialista and Alternativa Socialista in the ISL (International Socialist League), participated and built this important meeting and contributed with our class, militant and anti-bureaucratic militancy.

During the debate on the world situation, we were represented by comrade Sergio García, leader of the MST in the FITU of Argentina and of our international organization, the ISL. The debate centered on the situation in Ukraine and on the necessary and fundamental international solidarity of the workers with the working people of Ukraine, against the attack and the interventionist attempt of Russian imperialism, headed by Putin’s capitalist government, but also against any attempt of intervention by US imperialism and NATO. All internationalist solidarity with the Ukrainian working people, for their self-determination, Putin out of Ukraine and NATO out of Eastern Europe. Nancy Galvão and Silvia Letícia, members of the National Executive Committee of the Central, intervened in the debate, together with Veronica O’Kelly.

The first day continued with a debate on the national situation and the need for self-organization and self-defense of the working class against the attacks of any government. In this case we were represented by comrade Davi Paulo de Souza Jr, director of the Chemical Workers Union of São José dos Campos and region, member of Unidos Pra Lutar and Lucha Socialista-PSOL in the ISL.

In the coming days, the agenda of this National Meeting will continue with discussions on the national situation, the balance sheet and the preparation of the National Congress of the Central next year.  We will continue to build and fight for the combative, class-conscious and democratic CSP-Conlutas that we have always built and that, now more than ever, we need stronger and in a state of struggle.